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Compiled template engine for java

Build Status

Build requirements:

  • java 1.6 or higher
  • maven 3.2 or higher


The goal of the modifications was to make it syntactically and semantically similar to how I generate code via ST4.


  • control chars (escape using backslash) :

  • Comments

    ## this is a comment
  • Comment block

    this is a comment
  • Procs

    • a.k.a reusable stateless functions (public static)
    • proc.jetg
    «test("Doe", "John", 10)»
    #test (String lastName, String firstName, int age)
    name: «lastName», «firstName»
    age: «age»
  • Imports

    • the imported procs are namespaced using the proc's filename with :: as separator similar to c++
    • the .jetg suffix is inferred
    #import proc
    #import ./proc.html
    #set(ln = "Doe")
    «proc::test(ln, "John", 10)»
    «proc_html::test(ln, "Jane", 11)»
    «test(ln, "Joe", 12)»
    #test (String lastName, String firstName, int age)
        name: «lastName», «firstName»
    #age(int age)
    age: «age»
  • Iteration similar to ST4

    «some_string_list:String:test("John", 10); separator="\n"»  

    The difference is the presence of :String which indicates the type of the first argument being passed to the proc


Properties props = new Properties();
props.put(JetConfig.COMPILE_DEBUG, "false");
props.put(JetConfig.TEMPLATE_LOADER, ClasspathResourceLoader.class.getName());
props.put(JetConfig.TEMPLATE_PATH, "/");
props.put(JetConfig.COMPILE_STRATEGY, "auto");
props.put(JetConfig.TEMPLATE_SUFFIX, ".jetg");
props.put(JetConfig.COMPILE_PATH, "target/generated-sources/jetg");

// initialize engine (reuse this instance)
JetEngine engine = JetEngine.create(props);

// loaded from classpath (reuse this instance)
JetTemplate template = engine.getTemplate("templates/stocks.jetg");

// fill
HashMap<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
List<foo.Stock> items = getItemsFromSomewhere();
context.put("items", items);

// render
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
template.render(context, writer);




#define (List<foo.Stock> items)
#main(List<foo.Stock> items)
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Stock Prices</title>
    <h1>Stock Prices</h1>
        «for(foo.Stock item : items)»
        «item_detail(item, item$$i + 1)»
#item_detail(foo.Stock item, int count)
<tr class="«count % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd"»">
    <a href="/stocks/«item.symbol»">«item.symbol»</a>
    <a href="«item.url»">«»</a>
  «if(item.change < 0.0)»
  <td class="minus">«item.change»</td>
  <td class="minus">«item.ratio»</td>


package foo;

public final class Stock
    private String name;
    private String name2;
    private String url;
    private String symbol;
    private double price;
    private double change;
    private double ratio;

    public Stock(String name, String name2, String url, String symbol, 
            double price, double change, double ratio)
    { = name;
        this.name2 = name2;
        this.url = url;
        this.symbol = symbol;
        this.price = price;
        this.change = change;
        this.ratio = ratio;

    public String getName()

    public String getName2()
        return this.name2;

    public String getUrl()
        return this.url;

    public String getSymbol()
        return this.symbol;

    public double getPrice()
        return this.price;

    public double getChange()
        return this.change;

    public double getRatio()
        return this.ratio;