Bridge class to replicate the ease of Zend_Db in Zend Framework 2.
In zf2 there's no fetchPairs, fetchCol or fetchOne methods from Db, this class tried to fill that gap with an easy approach.
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The files in this archive are released under the New BSD license. You can find a copy of this license in LICENSE.txt.
require_once "ZFBridge/Db.php";
// first of all we need the zf2 autoloader
$autoloader = new Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader(array('autoregister_zf' => true));
// instancing db adapter
$adapter = new Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter(array(
'driver' =>'Pdo_Mysql',
'hostname' => DB_READ_HOST,
'username' => DB_READ_USER,
'password' => DB_READ_PASS,
'database' => DB_READ_NAME,
'characterset' => 'UTF8'
// replacing adapter with ZFBridge
$adapter = new \ZFBridge\Db($adapter);
// now we can use the old style fetchPairs etc
$adapter->fetchPairs("SELECT id, name FROM sampletable");