Simple package to integrate celery with fastack.
There are several to-do lists for the future
- See #1
pip install fastack-celery
Copy the code below and put it in app/
from fastack_celery import make_celery
celery = make_celery(app)
You can also pass parameters to the celery app.
For celery configuration, you can create it via Celery
class in your app settings. For example:
# app/settings/
class Celery:
broker_url = "amqp://strong_user:strong_password@localhost:5672/celery_vhost"
result_backend = "redis://localhost:6900/0"
For other celery configurations, see here
You can create tasks using the shared_task
# app/
# Sample task from examples/celery/app/
def counter_task(id: int):
session =
with session.begin():
obj: Counter = session.query(Counter).where( == id).first()
if obj:
print(f"start counting #{id}")
obj.counter += 1
state = obj.state
if state is None or state == Counter.State.NOT_IN_QUEUE:
obj.state = Counter.State.NOT_IN_QUEUE
elif state == Counter.State.TERMINATED:
task_id = obj.task_id # or
celery.control.revoke(task_id, terminate=True)
obj.task_id = None
obj.state = Counter.State.IN_QUEUE
counter_task.apply_async(args=(id,), countdown=1, task_id=obj.task_id)
print(f"Object with id #{id} not found")
By default, all tasks must be stored in app/
which will be automatically imported by the make_celery
cd your-project
celery -A app.main:celery worker -l info