An Object-Relational Mapping for PouchDB/CouchDB and Framework inspired by Odoo
- New Async/Await support
- New Frontend with React/Preact and full ES6, allowing ORM operations to be declared with async-await. Making it more performant and easier to do Parallel and Scalable code.
- Full external JS libraries compatibility, using CommonJS on Node and Webpack on browser.
- Full React Components compatibility, making it easier to build Frontend UI even on React Native.
- Upcoming Python/Odoo backend compatibility. For developers who prefer Python (Flask) or Odoo on server-side rather than Node.js
- Have many success PoCs and some giant automobile clients in Indonesia on Production. I'll post some details later on
Replacing or making an alternative to Odoo and Python's synchronous, I/O blocking design. Allowing us to develop asynchronous and performant ERP and IoT Apps.
Support some parallel programming paradigms consisting of Threads/Worker, Async-Await, Promises, Promise.all, Coroutines (TODO), and MicroServices.
Support hardware interfacing and IoT on the Client (Desktop Browser, Phone) and Server, using technologies like WebBluetooth, WebUSB, Cordova, Cordova/Node.js General Purpose I/0, WebAssembly and we planned to support Microcontrollers or SBCs too.
Creating an ORM for PouchDB/CouchDB, with a fabulous sync feature (, offline capabilities, revision management, and performance.
Build a not so magic server-side MVC or PWA (Progressive Web Apps that only rely to RESTFul APIs and can be ran offline, either with service worker or local PouchDB) Framework. (Framework Client Repo
Use RapydScript (Python transpiler to Javascript, currently ES5 for compatibilty) in server-side (Node.js) and client-side, because Python's slogan "readability counts" is true.
So we will have Python's readabilty, Javascript's performance (JIT Compilation) and async/parallel features, and NoSQL concurrency.
To install just do npm install
on the module directory
To run the server, do node server.js
or pass --clear-cache
to clear the cache
Modify app.conf to change port or other variables (Documentation is upcoming)
The Webclient is on client/build folder, put it on nginx or something else or simply open index.html on a browser, it should work. Or if you're lazy enough you can change local_app variable in app.conf to True. Then, open the server url (don't forget the port).
We added async/await support out of the box for modern browsers and older versions of node.js (using yortus's asyncawait) to minimize Promise chaining and add readability for asynchronous operations. But, because we support old node.js versions (some platform like RHEL 6 on Power Architecture only have Node.js 6 compiled for the platform) the syntax is different with Python's Async/Await. For example instead of async and await being a keyword:
async def get_current_qty(self):
move_ids = await self.env['stock.move'].search(['product_id', '=', somevariable])
Async become a decorator, and await become an identical keyword but function-like:
def get_current_qty(self):
move_ids = await (self.env['stock.move'].search(['product_id', '=', somevariable]))
def get_current_qty(self):
move_ids = await [self.env['stock.move'].search(['product_id', '=', somevariable])]
On Node.js version below 7.6.0 the async decorator will be translated to asyncawait's async call and make the function returns a Promise (just like native async function) and the function-like await to the library's await call. But on newer Node.js versions and modern browsers the decorator will only turn the function to an async function.
Wether to use original Rapydscript rather than (for now I use rapydscript-ng)
(DECIDED) Server-side MVC (like Django, Odoo) or PWA with RESTFul Webservices (Custom REST API Controllers or CouchDB's REST API). PWA is already developed
(DEVELOPER CHOICE) Use PouchDB Server (leveldb) or CouchDB (now CouchDB but I use in-memory db for testing). There are so many adapters for PouchDB ranging from MySQL, SQLite, to Facebook's RocksDB. The most common and decent is Google's LevelDB but you're free to choose an adapter and configure it on app.conf
Custom authentication with token (CSRF if MVC) or CouchDB authentication (
All feedback and advice are appreciated