Generator-based congestion control suitable to use with co
npm install congestion
Let's say we have a long list of asynchronous tasks needs be done (e.g. convert lots of files, fetch lots of urls, and etc.):
var tasks = [/* long list of tasks */];
var doTask = function(task) {
/* Do the task and return a Promise */
The simplest way is to do tasks in a loop:
while (tasks.length) {
//Drawback: All tasks get executed asynchronously which may lead to CPU/memory exhaustion.
The other method is to run tasks sequentially:
tasks.reduce(function(p, task) {
return p.then(function() {
return doTask(task);
}, Promise.resolve());
// Slow execution of tasks (one task at a time).
// Node's process may exceed v8's memory limit due to the long chain of promises.
// The code is a little complicated and hard to understand.
The more elegant approach is to take advantage of ES6 generators:
var co = require('co');
co(function*() {
while (tasks.length) {
yield doTask(tasks.shift());
//Drawback: Slow execution of tasks (one task at a time).
// Low memory footprint.
// Clean and readable code.
The best solution is to utilize congestion module in the previous approach:
var co = require('co');
var congestion = require('congestion')(10);
co(function*() {
while (tasks.length) {
yield congestion.wait(doTask(tasks.shift()));
// Efficient execution of tasks (10 tasks at a time)
// Low memory footprint.
// Clean and readable code.
congestion is released under the MIT license.