The Full Stack Sarahah App is a web application built using the MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) that allows users to send and receive anonymous messages. It incorporates a features to create a seamless and secure user experience.
- React.js for building the user interface
- React Router Dom for client-side routing
- Axios for handling HTTP requests to the backend API
- React-bootstrap for styling and layout
- Reeact-helmet for managing the document head
- Node.js and Express for building the API
- MongoDB for data storage
- bcrypt for password hashing
- nodemailer for sending emails
- CORS for cross-origin resource sharing
- jsonwebtoken for user authentication and authorization
- Joi for validating user input
The Sarahah App clone allows users to:
- Sign up for an account and receive a verification email
- Can not Login withiut email being confirmed
- Sign in securely using email and password
- Receive anonymous messages from other users
- Log out of their account
- Access protected routes that require authentication
- Share their profile link to receive messages from anyone
- Reset their password using an OTP (one-time password) sent to their registered email
- Update Password after OTP verification