Arcanist Test Engine for Golang Repositories
The approach this engine takes is simple:
- Iterates line by line of STDOUT test execution.
- If a FAIL is found, the whole tests is marked as failed:
--- FAIL: TestSomething (0.00s)
. - Related to coverage, it looks up for the coverage output lines:
coverage: 100.0% of statements
. - If a package doesn't have any test, the coverage is set to 0:
? [no test files]
. - At the end, the average of all packages is calculated.
- Test suite is marked as FAIL if average coverage is below the expected.
As the usual approach for Arcanist Test Engines, copy the contents of the golang_test_engine
folder to .arcanist-extensions
The script contains an editable section for things listed below:
- Coverage percentage, by default:
. - The command that is used to execute testing, by default:
go test -v -cover -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...
. - Test name, which by default is
Golang Repository Testing
If there is a need to customize them, change them in the script itself. These values are setup in constants at the top:
final class GolangTestEngine extends ArcanistUnitTestEngine {
const MINIMUM_COVERAGE = 100.0;
const TEST_COMMAND = 'go test -v -cover -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...';
const TEST_TITLE = 'Golang Repository Testing';
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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Ernesto Espinosa - Initial work - enchf