Write a program that returns the list of episodes from the Breaking Bad tv show, where the given characters have appeared together.
Use the Breaking Bad API to retrieve the necessary information.
If we call the program with Tuco Salamanca
the output must be the following
S0106 - Crazy Handful of Nothin
S0107 - A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal
S0201 - Seven-Thirty-Seven
S0202 - Grilled
The argument of the program can be a String
containing the full name of one character, or an Array
of strings that contains multiple characters.
The output must be an Array
of strings containing the episode title prefixed by the season and episode number. Below you can find one example of the expected format.
S0101 - Pilot
Tests are using Jest. To run them, use the following command:
npx jest breaking-bad.spec.js
Tests are using Minitest. To run them, use the following command:
ruby -Ilib:test test_breaking_bad.rb
Tests are using PyTest. The tests expect a call
function that returns the list of episodes. To run them, use the following command:
pytest test_breaking_bad.py