Code Daily is a custom web dashboard for Stack Overflow, with a simple category-based view and support for Pocket.
Like most programmers, I visit StackOverflow daily for technical content. While the platform is great, there are two issues that have been bothering me for a long time:
- Lack of a clean "tag-based" dashboard.
- Sometimes I would like to browse trending questions based on specific category, much like what I can get from a RSS reader like Feedly.
- No support for Pocket.
- Ideally, there should be a button/dropdown menu item so the user can "add the question to Pocket" with one click.
With these ideas in mind, I decided to make a web-based StackOverflow dashboard to better the experience.
- Typescript
- Angular
- @ngrx, @ngrx/effects - reactive state management.
- NestJS - server-side Node.js framework.
- MongoDB, Passport.js - to manage user data and handle authorization with JWT strategy.
And most importantly:
- Stack Exchange API - to fetch questions, answers, and tags.
- Pocket API - to add item (question) to the user's registered Pocket account.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.