A basic template project that can be used to build any simple web application.
##Installation Instructions:##
###Install Necessary Packages for Linux:###
This installs n for easy nodejs management (includes npm):
curl -L http://git.io/n-install | bash
Or, install nodejs and npm directly:
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm
Note: Install Ruby before doing the following steps
sudo gem install listen
sudo gem install sass
###Install Necessary Packages for Mac OS:###
This installs n for easy nodejs management (includes npm):
curl -L http://git.io/n-install | bash
Or, install nodejs and npm directly:
brew install nodejs
brew install npm
sudo gem install listen
sudo gem install sass
##Create Environment Variables##
cp .template.env .env
Don't forget to edit .env to the appropriate configs
##Setup Dev Tools## Note: This is required for production as well.
npm install --global browserify watchify exorcist
##Run Application: Development## Note: This must be running in order to watch for css and js changes.
./runserver.sh dev
npm run dev
Then go to:
##Run Application: Production##
npm start