A pure TypeScript JPEG encoder and decoder for deno
import { decode } from "https://deno.land/x/jpeg.ts/mod.ts"
//read image data:
let raw = await Deno.readFile(fullPath)
let result = decode(raw);
//result.width: Image width
//result.height: Image height
//result.data[0] -> Red
//result.data[1] -> Green
//result.data[2] -> Blue
//result.data[3] -> Alpha
// result.data is an array of RGBa colors
Also you can access the pixel of the image:
import { decode } from "https://deno.land/x/jpeg.ts/mod.ts"
//read image data:
let raw = await Deno.readFile(fullPath)
let result = decode(raw);
let pix = result.getPixel(12, 33); // -> { r: 0, g: 0, b: 254, a: 255 }
// result.getPixel(x, y)
//while 0 <= x < result.width and 0 <= y < result.height
import { encode, Image } from "https://deno.land/x/jpeg.ts/mod.ts"
// make image with red gree blue and alpha colors
let image: Image = {
width: 2,
height: 2,
data: new Uint8Array( [
let raw = encode(image, 100); //Quality 100 (default is 50)
//save the image
await Deno.writeFile('rgb.jpg', raw.data);