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Faiz Ahmed edited this page Jun 22, 2021 · 5 revisions

Filling out settings in config.json

Example config.json

    "role": "donator",
    "Price": 10,
    "cashapp": "test",
    "venmo": "test",

Paste the discord bot token into "".


Follow this guide on how to get that. Note: When inviting the bot to your discord server make sure it has “Administrator” permission.

Enable Intents.

Setting up Email Filters (IMPORTANT!)

This process if for gmail. Other mailing platforms should be similar.

  1. Add a new folder/label named "pay"

  2. Create filters

"sent you"

"paid you"

They should look like this:

Setting up IMAP settings

User is your email.

For password please refer to this. (For GMAIL)

  • Use an App Password: If you use 2-Step Verification, try signing in with an App Password.
    • Important: If you sign in with OAuth, use your regular Google password.
  • Allow less secure apps: If you don't use 2-Step Verification, you might need to allow less secure apps to access your account.

IMAP url for gmail is



Rest of the settings

These settings can be configured from discord itself using the commands below.

"role": "",
"Price": 10,
"cashapp": "",
"venmo": "",
.setprice <price>
This command is used to set/change price of donation. 
.setrole <@role>
This command is used to  set/change role of donation. 
.setpayment <cashapp/venmo> <address>
This command is used to  set/change address of payment method.