How To Install Openshift All in One using Ansible on Centos 7
what that means is that all of the services required for OKD to function (master, node, etcd, etc.) will all be installed on a single host.
we used as DNS
Make sure hostname same as DNS used
Please do use a clean CentOS system, the script installs all necesary tools and packages including Ansible, container runtime, etc.
- Login as root.
- Install OpenShift Origin 3.11 repository and Docker and so on.
yum -y install centos-release-openshift-origin311 epel-release docker git pyOpenSSL nano
- Start and Enable Docker
systemctl start docker
systemctl enable docker
- Set SSH keypair with no pass-phrase.
ssh-keygen -q -N ""
- Run Ansible Playbook for setting up OpenShift Cluster.
- Install openshift-ansible
yum -y install openshift-ansible
- Downgrade ansible to 2.6.x version
curl -o
pip install ansible==2.6.9
- Edit ansible hosts like the file hosts
nano /etc/ansible/hosts
- Run Prerequisites Playbook
ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/prerequisites.yml
- Run Deploy Cluster Playbook
ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/deploy_cluster.yml
When done will like this
- Check to make sure the installation was successful.
Note: First time run the response will be long, just wait the loading proccess
- Accessing url, url will like
- or with cli.
oc get nodes
oc get pods
After installation finished and the url can be accessed, we can't login, because no one user have been added yet, so we must add it.
- Login as root
- Add a new user with HTPasswd.
htpasswd /etc/origin/master/htpasswd faizakbar18
Change faizakbar18 with the user you want to create
- Login to OpenShift Cluster with a user just added with HTPasswd.
I was try and error many time, but the method above that I used and was successful.