A python wrapper around HubSpot's APIs, for python 3.
Built initially around hapipy, but heavily modified.
Check out the documentation here! (thanks readthedocs)
# on ubuntu you may need this apt package:
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
# install hubspot3
pip install hubspot3
from hubspot3.companies import CompaniesClient
API_KEY = "your-api-key"
client = CompaniesClient(api_key=API_KEY)
for company in client.get_all():
import json
from hubspot3.deals import DealsClient
deal_id = "12345"
API_KEY = "your_api_key"
deals_client = DealsClient(api_key=API_KEY)
params = {
"includePropertyVersions": "true"
} # Note values are camelCase as they appear in the Hubspot Documentation!
deal_data = deals_client.get(deal_id, params=params)
Be aware that this uses the HubSpot API directly, so you are subject to all of the guidelines that HubSpot has in place: https://developers.hubspot.com/apps/api_guidelines
at the time of writing, HubSpot has the following limits in place for API requests:
- 10 requests per second
- 40,000 requests per day. This daily limit resets at midnight based on the time zone setting of the HubSpot account
By default, hubspot3 will attempt to retry all API calls up to 2 times upon failure.
If you'd like to override this behavior, you can add a number_retries
keyword argument to any Client constructor, or to individual API calls.
Extending the BaseClient - thanks @Guysoft!
Some of the APIs are not yet complete! If you'd like to use an API that isn't yet in this repo, you can extend the BaseClient class!
import json
from hubspot3.base import BaseClient
class PipelineClient(BaseClient):
Lets you extend to non-existing clients, this example extends pipelines
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(PipelineClient, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_pipelines(self, **options):
params = {}
return self._call("pipelines", method="GET", params=params)
def _get_path(self, subpath):
return "deals/v{}/{}".format(
self.options.get("version") or PIPELINES_API_VERSION, subpath
if __name__ == "__main__":
API_KEY = "your_api_key"
a = PipelineClient(api_key=API_KEY)
setup.py: pip setup file
__init__.py: hubspot3 module
base.py: base hubspot client class
blog.py: hubspot blog api client
broadcast.py: hubspot broadcast api
companies.py: hubspot companies api
contact_lists.py: hubspot contact lists api
contacts.py: hubspot contacts api
crm_associations.py: hubspot crm_associations api
crm_pipelines.py: hubspot crm_pipelines api
deals.py: hubspot deals api
engagements.py: hubspot engagements api
error.py: hubspot3 error helpers
forms.py: hubspot forms api
globals.py: globals file for hubspot3
keywords.py: hubspot keywords api
leads.py: hubspot leads api
logging_helper.py: logging helper function
owners.py: hubspot owners api
prospects.py: hubspot prospects client
settings.py: hubspot settings api
utils.py: base utils for the hubspot3 library
__init__.py: extra functionalities for hubspot3
threading.py: allow threaded execution of hubspot api calls
__init__.py: no documentation found
helper.py: no documentation found
logger.py: no documentation found
test_base.py: no documentation found
test_broadcast.py: no documentation found
test_error.py: no documentation found
test_keywords.py: no documentation found
test_leads.py: no documentation found
test_settings.py: no documentation found