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13. Morph fMRI data into a template surface volume

Fa-Hsuan Lin edited this page Apr 17, 2020 · 1 revision

These are procedures to morph individual's fMRI data onto the brain surface of the brain volume of a target subject. The scripts were tested at /space/maki7/users/fhlin/smsini_array_nccu/063019/unpack on July 7 2019.

1. Register between fMRI and FreeSurfer reconstructed brain

We first estimate the transformation to map an individual's fMRI onto his/her own anatomical space. A registration file, register.dat, is to be created.

> fslregister --s 063019 --mov bold/005/f.nii --reg ./register.dat --maxangle 70 --initxfm

2. Morph fMRI to the template subject's brain surfaces and volume

2.1. Morph fMRI to the template subject's brain surfaces

[This script file] morphs the fMRI data in each folder (the sfmcprstc.nii in bold/005, bold/006, bold/007 in this example) on to the target subject ("fsaverage" in this example) brain surface. The output will be STC files for left and right hemispheres in the target directory ("../analysis" in this example). Totally six files are to be created:

NOTE The example script was recommended to be placed at the folder "unpack", where folders for fMRI in each run are at "bold/005", "bold/007" and "bold/009" inside "unpack".

2.2. Morph fMRI to the template subject's brain volume

[This script file] morphs the fMRI data in each folder (the sfmcprstc.nii in bold/005, bold/006, bold/007 in this example) on to the MNI 305 target subject with 2mm isotropic resolution. The output will be MGH files in the target directory ("../analysis" in this example). Totally three files are to be created:


NOTE The example script was recommended to be placed at the folder "unpack", where folders for fMRI in each run are at "bold/005", "bold/007" and "bold/009" inside "unpack".

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