pdftohtmljs provides access to pdf2htmlEX via shell in node.js programs.
If you've docker env setup, just install it via docker
alias pdf2htmlEX="docker run -ti --rm -v ~/pdf:/pdf iapain/pdf2htmlex pdf2htmlEX"
~/pdf on host computer will be used as volume
PDF2HTMLEX path is resolved usiing following:
- first it looks into env variable
. - then it fallbacks to
option. - then it fallbacks to system path.
via npm:
npm install pdftohtmljs
const pdftohtml = require('pdftohtmljs')
// See presets (ipad, default)
// Feel free to create custom presets
// see https://github.com/fagbokforlaget/pdftohtmljs/blob/master/lib/presets/ipad.js
const convert = async (file, output, preset) => {
const converter = new pdftohtml(file, output)
// If you would like to tap into progress then create
// progress handler
converter.progress((ret) => {
const progress = (ret.current * 100.0) / ret.total
console.log(`${progress} %`)
try {
// convert() returns promise
await converter.convert(preset || 'ipad')
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Psst! something went wrong: ${err.msg}`)
// call method
convert('test/pdfs/sample.pdf', 'sample.html')
npm install pdftohtmljs -g
pdftohtmljs sample.pdf
You may optionally provide your own filename and preset
pdftohtmljs sample.pdf sample.html ipad
$ npm test
This library support nodejs v8+