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Factorial Factorial

A smart contract library for easy and secure DeFi development. Easy to Build, Hard to Rug.


This repository is for ETHDenver2023 BUIDLathon. We provide contracts and deployment scripts.

Depolyment and Test

You can do the test in local Hardhat environment, use the following commands.

First, run a hardhat node using:

nvm use 14.17.0
yarn install
yarn hardhat node

Then, run the script for deployment in another terminal using:

nvm use 14.17.0
yarn hardhat run scripts/deploy-local.ts --network localhost

Factorial Architecture

Factorial consists of the following contracts.

Factorial Architecture

Factorial Router

Factorial Router forwards the user's request to the corresponding app under the supervision of Risk management.


Connector is the abstract layer connecting to external DeFi. Connector consists of Connection Pool, Connection, and a specific Connector, where Connection Pool manages Connection. Connection is a contract to make DeFi position as NFT. Since the DeFi position is NFT-tokenized, the Connector module of Fatorial does not require to manage unnecessary state values in order to prove the ownership of the DeFi positions.


Liquidation enables the apps on Factorial to enjoy a shared liquidation environments. Factorial can provide various types of liquidation, e.g., simple swap liquidation and auction liquation, where the liquidation type can be added continuously.

Risk Management

Risk Management monitors and restricts the asset flow by transactions. This consists of the functionalities as asset management and limition of risk factor. Asset Management converts user's assets(ERC20) into factorial assets and give them to the app. This can prevent malicious losses by tracking the changes of the user assets. Asset Management of Factorial does not require the process of approval in order to remove the potential risk.


Trigger module enables the App on Factorial to provide various actions that require Trigger, e.g., Liquidate, Stop-loss, take-profit, maturity. Automation pool provides the connection with external automation triggerer, e.g., Chainlink automation node.


Valuation module measures the value of a DeFi position by using tokenization with external oracles. Tokenization turns a DeFi position into a token (i.e., ERC1155) so that it can be easily valuated and collateralized.

More Information

Check it out more about Factorial!

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