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From Nodes to Narratives: What Type of Learners Transformers Are?

Unveiling structural assumptions that transformers leverage.


The code runs Python 3.10+. Here is some installation instruction:

  • Install miniconda. Follow the instruction online, most likely you will execute the following commands.
curl -O
bash ~/
source ~/.bashrc
  • Install python in a new conda environment: be mindful to install a version of python that is compatible with PyTorch.
conda create -n llm
conda activate llm
conda install pip python=3.12
  • Install Pytorch and check CUDA support: be mindful to install a version that is compatible with your CUDA driver (example) (use nvidia-smi to check your CUDA driver)
pip install torch --index-url
python -c "import torch; print(torch.cuda.is_available())"

This should print "True".

  • Install this repo
git clone <repo url>
cd <repo path>
pip install -e .

If you want to install the development, visualization and mamba dependencies, you can swap the previous command for the following one:

pip install -e .[dev,ssm,visu]

For mamba, causal_conv1d can be a bit hard to load, as it is built upon environment variables that are not always set. If you are on a cluster utilizing module, you may want to set CUDA_HOME with

module load cuda/<latest version>

You may instantiate the path to nvjitlink with

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(python -c "import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0] + '/nvidia/nvjitlink/lib')"):$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

You can then try to install the package with ssm dependencies (namely causal_conv1d and mamba_ssm)

pip install -e .[ssm]

Using the codebase

First run

You can run a debug script with the following command:

python -m src.apps.gssm.train_onfly src/apps/gssm/configs/debug/onfly.yaml

In this online setting, data are generated on the fly. The configuration file debug.yaml is a simple configuration file that will run a simple experiment.


The previous config will generate batch of data on the fly. Each new batch will be made of new data. If you want to generate data offline first, and only read from these datasets, you can do so with the following command to generate datasets:

python -m src/apps/gssm/configs/debug/data.yaml

Here the data.yaml is a configuration files to generate various datasets. You can modify this configuration to suit your needs.

Cluster runs

You may launch experiments to run on a cluster with the following command:

python -m src.nanollama.launcher src/apps/gssm/configs/debug/train.yaml

This will launch them on a slurm cluster (assuming your are logged into one). You equally run experiments on multi-gpu locally with torchrun, e.g.,

OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 torchrun --nproc-per-node 2 -m src.apps.gssm.train src/apps/gssm/configs/debug/train.yaml

You can equally run an array job is you specify a grid to iterate over in your config file.

Running job on a cluster will create a logging folder defined by the log_dir arguments in the configuration file (by default, it goes to $HOME/logs). The logging directory is organized in the following fashion.

├── checkpoint/: models (and dataloaders, ...) checkpoints
├── code/: copy of the codebase when launching the job
├── evals/: evaluation tasks
├── logs/: run logs
├── metrics/: metrics logged during the runs
├── the script that was run
├── stdout/: logs of the stdout
└── tasks/{id}.yaml: configuration files

Command summary

To summarize the commands, for training while generating data on the fly:

python -m src.apps.gssm.train_onfly src/apps/gssm/configs/debug/onfly.yaml

For generating data first, and then training from them:

python -m src.apps.gssm.train src/apps/gssm/configs/debug/data.yaml
python -m src.apps.gssm.train src/apps/gssm/configs/debug/train.yaml

For launching a run on a Slurm cluster:

python -m src.nanollama.launcher src/apps/gssm/configs/debug/train.yaml

For launching an array job on a Slurm cluster:

python -m src.nanollama.launcher src/apps/gssm/configs/debug/grid.yaml


For formatting, I recommand using ruff. Consider automatic formatting when saving files (easy to setup in VSCode).


The main code is in the src folder. The base functions are in src.nanollama (supposed not to change much over time) and the application specific code is in src.apps (supposed to change for your specific applications). The codebase is object-oriented. Your training script will be monitor by a monitor object, which is notably composed by a profiler, a logger and a checkpointer. Other objects include your training model, your optimizer (and scheduler), and your data loader. Files are organized to follow this logic.

├── pyproject.toml
├── src/
│   ├── apps/
│   │   └── my_app/
│   │       ├── train: a script to train a model
│   │       └── data: a script to generate a dataset
│   └── nanollama:
│       ├── cluster:
│       │   ├── cluster: utils to get a cluster running your applications
│       │   └── slurm: utils to configure a Slurm job
│       ├── data:
│       │   └── my_data: a class to generate data
│       ├── model:
│       │   └── my_model: a class to define a model
│       ├── monitor:
│       │   ├── checkpoint: a checkpoint manager
│       │   ├── logger: a logger manager
│       │   ├── monitor: main monitoring object
│       │   └── profiler: a profiler manager
│       ├── optim: optimizer and scheduler
│       └── launcher: script to launch a training via Slurm or torchrun
└── tests/

Known bugs

  • When running a torchrun with asynchronous data loader, keyboard interrupt are not always intercepted by all gpus. The GPUs that do not intercept the keyboard interrupt do not exit the context stack, not checkpointing their state.

  • Some GPUs do not seem to like the instanciation of SIGUSR1.