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This release adds a new compiler environment, new APIs, and a suite of backend improvements to improve the flexibility of CompilerGym environments. Many thanks to code contributors: @sogartar, @KyleHerndon, @SoumyajitKarmakar, @uduse, and @anthony0727! Highlights of this release include: - [mlir] Began work on a new environment for matrix multiplication using MLIR ([#652](#652), thanks @KyleHerndon and @sogartar!). Note this environment is not yet included in the pypi package and must be [compiled from source]( - [llvm] Added a new `env.benchmark_from_clang_invocation()` method ([#577](#577)) that can be used for constructing LLVM environment automatically from C/C++ compiler invocations. This makes it much easier to integrate CompilerGym with your existing build scripts. - Added three new wrapper classes: `Counter`, that provides op counts for analysis ([#683](#683)); `SynchronousSqliteLogger`, that provides logging of environment interactions to a relational database ([#679](#679)), and `ForkOnStep` that provides an `undo()` operation ([#682](#682)). - Added `reward_space` and `observation_space` parameters to `env.reset()` ([#659](#659), thanks @SoumyajitKarmakar!) This release includes a number of improvements to the backend APIs that make it easier to write new CompilerGym environments: - Refactored the backend to make `CompilerEnv` an abstract interface, and `ClientServiceCompilerEnv` the concrete implementation of this interface. This enables new environments to be implemented without using gRPC ([#633](#633), thanks @sogartar!). - Extended the support for different types of action and observation spaces ([#641](#641), [#643](#643), thanks @sogartar!), including new `Permutation` and `SpaceSequence` spaces ([#645](#645), thanks @sogartar!).. - Added a new `disk/` subdirectory to compiler service's working directories, which is symlinked to an on-disk location for devices which support in-memory working directories. This fixes a bug with leftover temporary directories from LLVM ([#672](#672)). This release also includes numerous bug fixes and improvements, many of which were reported or fixed by the community. For example, fixing a bug in cache file locations ([#656](#656), thanks @uduse!), and a missing flag definition in example code ([#684](#684), thanks @anthony0727!). **Full Changelog**: v0.2.3...v0.2.4 This release brings in deprecating changes to the core `env.step()` routine, and lays the groundwork for enabling new types of compiler optimizations to be exposed through CompilerGym. Many thanks to code contributors: @mostafaelhoushi, @sogartar, @KyleHerndon, @uduse, @parthchadha, and @xtremey! Highlights of this release include: - Added a new `TextSizeInBytes` observation space for LLVM ([#575](#575)). * Added a new PPO leaderboard entry ([#580](#580). Thanks @xtremey! - Fixed a bug in which temporary directories created by the LLVM environment were not cleaned up ([#592](#592)). - **[Backend]** The function `createAndRunCompilerGymService` now returns an int, which is the exit return code ([#592](#592)). - Improvements to the examples documentation ([#548](#548)) and FAQ ([#586](#586)) Deprecations and breaking changes: - `CompilerEnv.step` no longer accepts a list of actions ([#627](#627)). A new method, `CompilerEnv.multistep` provides this functionality. This is to provide compatibility with environments whose action spaces are lists. To update your code, replace any calls to `env.step()` which take a list of actions to use `env.multistep()`. Thanks @sogartar! - The arguments `observations` and `rewards` to `step()` have been renamed `observation_spaces` and `reward_spaces`, respectively ([#627](#627)). - `` has been renamed `` ([#565](#565), [#612](#612)). Thanks @parthchadha! * The backend protocol buffer schema has been updated to natively support more types of observation and action, and to support nested spaces ([#531](#531)). Thanks @sogartar!
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