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Sam's Notes

Changes and Additions

  • November 2nd:

    • Created "Our Team" section based on Ruth's page designs.
    • Used semantic HTML for element creation, minimizing generic custom divs.
    • Implemented Flex display for element placement: profile images on one side, and name, info, and button on the opposite side.
    • Increased "Our Team" margin-top to 30rem to fix top section overlap.
    • Added Ruth's and my pictures in image tags for aesthetics.
  • November 3rd:

    • Enhanced styling for "Our Team".
    • Created and styled "Portfolio" Section.
  • November 4th:

    • Added "Portfolio" section using HTML and CSS.
    • Included project pictures.
    • Created column structure using flex-box.
    • Improved "Our Team" Section.
    • Applied Ruth's button styling to "Portfolio" Section.
  • November 5th:

    • Added additional images for projects and background.
    • Included project titles.
    • Created CSS styling for buttons in "Our Team" section.
    • Adjusted margins of various elements.
  • November 7th:

    • Integrated HTML from Ruth into my version.
    • Attempted to create Javascript functionality for the burger menu.
    • Added styling for burger menu.
  • November 8th:

    • Noted Ruth's addition of responsive design and hamburger menu with JS functionality.
    • Fixed an issue where the hamburger menu would disappear after clicking a link; implemented ClassList in JS.
    • Added responsive design to "Our Team" section using media queries, flex-direction: column, and align-items: center.
  • General Changes:

    • Experimented with a background animation in Javascript for aesthetic enhancement.
    • Attempted to add Javascript functionality for form submission to our business Gmail, with limited success due to Google restrictions.
    • Resolved responsive design issues, particularly at widths below 480px.
    • Fixed zoom-in issue at page start by adjusting the top HTML code in the head from initial-1.
    • Corrected the 'Hire Me' button overlap on the top navbar, based on Emily's advice using z-index.
    • Improved the function for displaying a green message box after form submission, adding a 3-second timeout for the message to disappear and the form to reappear.
    • Modified color schemes, like the nav bar, from white to grey for better accessibility.

Ruth’s Note

• The website wireframe was created by using Having a blueprint helps us to visualize the overall structure, content placement, and user interface elements of the website.

• Sam suggested using semantic HTML such us nav, main, section, and footer instead of div for accessibility and readability purposes.

• In the header section, the navigation was implemented using the display: flex property. This allowed us to effectively divide it into two distinct sections: the logo and the navbar.

• The main page features a title, social media icons, a button that leads to the contact page, and a description of our agency.

• The description text and the social media icons are placed within a flexbox and aligned using the justify-content: space-around property.