Python based tool for seismological data discovery, downloading, pre-processing and plotting
== Version 1.2.03 - 2013.08.08 ==
- Please install theses packages first:
scipy []
numpy []
obspy []
For Mac Os a dmg file for easy install, including the three packages, is avaliable:
Instal suds module:
- linux:
- mac: sudo easy_install -z suds
Instal rdseed and add the PATH into your .profile/.bash/....
chmod +x
Please fill form at for automatic registration to access EIDA services
usage: [-h] [--beg BEG] [--end END] [--len LEN] [--usr USR] [--pas PAS] [--sta STA] [--net NET] [--loc LOC] [--cha CHA] [--rot ROT] [--res RES] [--mode MODE] [--center CENTER] [--radius RADIUS] [--supCor SUPCOR] [--infCor INFCOR] [--format FORMAT] [--outdir OUTDIR] [--server SERVER] [--fsfile FSFILE] [--rmgaps RMGAPS] [--mingap MINGAP] [--maxgap MAXGAP] [--reject REJECT] [--cfreq CFREQ] [--demean DEMEAN] [--bandpass BANDPASS] [--highpass HIGHPASS] [--lowpass LOWPASS] [--wfiltr WFILTR] [--deci DECI] [--deco DECO] [--flim FLIM] [--slta SLTA] [--wcf WCF] [--pgm PGM] [--pgmfile PGMFILE] [--shake SHAKE] [--sa SA] [--pltmode PLTMODE] [--pltchan PLTCHAN] [--pltNERT PLTNERT] [--pltazi PLTAZI] [--summary SUMMARY]
Download seeds from archives, pre-process and process data for use
-h, --help show this help message and exit --beg BEG Begin Time. !! No defaults!! Format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss (UTC Time) (e.g.: 2011-07-25T12:30:00) --end END End Time. !! No defaults!! F\ormat YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss (UTC Time) (e.g.: 2011-07-25T12:35:00) --len LEN Length of signal in seconds. !! No defaults!! Mandatory option if --end not specified --usr USR User name for eida !! MANDATORY OPTION, No defaults!! --pas PAS Passwd for eida !! MANDATORY OPTION, No defaults!! --sta STA Station list. default=* --net NET Network list. default=* --loc LOC Station information location ID. default=* --cha CHA Channel list. default=BHZ --rot ROT Rotate horizontal components from North-East -> Radial- Trasversal. Only with --mode “center”. Default [Y]/N. --res RES Instrument response extraction: 0=none; 1=RESP; 2=PAZ (default); 3=RESP&PAZ --mode MODE Area selection mode: [circular|rectangular] default=circular --center CENTER Lat Lon inner position for circular request. Default "41.9 12.5" --radius RADIUS Radius in DEGREE from innerPos to outerPos for --mode circular. Default="0 10" --supCor SUPCOR Max latitude and longitude for --mode rectangular. Default="60 60" --infCor INFCOR Min latitude and longitude for --mode rectangular. Default="10 10" --format FORMAT file format extraction storage [SAC,SACXY,GSE1,GSE2,SH_ASC,WAV]. If format=SAC no data extracted. Default=None --outdir OUTDIR directory for data extraction. Default=data --server SERVER servers [EIDA,IRIS,LOCAL,WEBDC]. LOCAL look for fseed files stored on your local machine. Only fseed files are allowed. --server "LOCAL" needs --fsfile to be specified. LOCAL and external server are allowed within the same request. Default="EIDA WEBDC IRIS" --fsfile FSFILE fseed file name inclusive of path if path different than . Default None --rmgaps RMGAPS Remove traces with gaps. default=Y --mingap MINGAP Minimum gap allowed in seconds. default=0 --maxgap MAXGAP Maximum gap allowed in seconds. default=0 --reject REJECT Minimum length in percent for trace rejection. default=100 --cfreq CFREQ Get dominant period [N]/Y. --demean DEMEAN Remove mean and trend. Default=Y --bandpass BANDPASS Bandpass filter "corners fimn fmax". No Defaults. E.g.: "2 0.01 0.1" --highpass HIGHPASS Highpass filter "corners freq". No Defaults. E.g.: "2 0.01" --lowpass LOWPASS Lowpass filter "corners freq". No Defaults. E.g.: "2 0.1" --wfiltr WFILTR Write new filtered files into --wfiltr path. Default=N --deci DECI Decimation factor for sampling rate. Only integer decimation factor allowed. Default=None --deco DECO Deconvolution from instrument response [N]/Y. Requires --res=[2|3]. Default=N --flim FLIM Corner frequency for deconvolution filtering. Defaults 0.002 0.005 0.5 1 --slta SLTA Make Short-term/long-term average and trigs picks: --slta "STA LTA ON OFF" (--sta "0.5 5 7 1.5"). Default=”None” STA: Short-term average LTA: Long- term average ON: level trigger on OFF: level trigger off --wcf WCF Write characteristic function from slta into sac file format [N]/Y. Only binary sac file format allowed. No need to use --format option --pgm PGM Peaks Ground Motion parameters. max_displacement [m], max_velocity[m/s], max_acceleration[m/s^2]. Output into summary3.log file. Automatically enable --sa option (Spectral acceleration response). Default [N]/Y --pgmfile PGMFILE Name file for shakemap. User file-name MUST end with "_dat.xml" in order to be accepted by ShakeMap. Default=shakeList_dat.xml --shake SHAKE Write PGMs for ShakeMap. [N]/Y --sa SA Modify defaults Spectral Acceleration Response parameters (only if –pgm=”Y”): damping and corner frequencies in Hz. Example: --sa “0.1 1 10”; damping factor (0.1) and corner frequencies in Hz. Spectral Acceleration Response in [m/s^2]. Defaults: sa=”0.05 3.33 1.00 3.33”. --pltmode PLTMODE plot traces. 0=No plot; 1=y_axe regular; 2=y_axe distance from epicenter. Plots saved in pdf format, see Notes for details. (Default=0). Plot names: plotWavesZ.pdf for vertical; plotWavesNS.pdf and plotWavesEW.pdf with --pltNERT "NE"; plotWavesT.pdf and plotWavesR.pdf with --pltNERT "RT" --pltchan PLTCHAN channel to plot. Default=None --pltNERT PLTNERT horizontal components [NE|RT]. Default=None !! ONLY with --rot=Y --pltazi PLTAZI Plot traces within azimuth. Default="0 360" --summary SUMMARY Print data request summary on screen. [N]/Y.
Summary.log files are automatically saved into the --outdir directory:
- summary1.log :
Includes a summary of all option used to run wavesdownloader
summary2.log : List downloaded stations and metadata. Format: One line for each data. Metadata for each line: StationCode
Network Channel LocationCode BegTime EndTime Samp_rate dT Station_lat Station_lon Event_lat Event_lon Epicentral_distance (degree) Azimut Back_azimuth Epicentral_distance (km)Example: ASQU IV HHE -- 2012-01-27T14:53:00.00Z 2012-01-27T14:55:00.00Z 100.00 0.0100 12001 43.797 11.789 44.480 10.033 159.811 1.437 117.768 298.987 ASQU IV HHN -- 2012-01-27T14:53:00.00Z 2012-01-27T14:55:00.00Z 100.00 0.0100 12001 43.797 11.789 44.480 10.033 159.811 1.437 117.768 298.987 ASQU IV HHZ -- 2012-01-27T14:53:00.00Z 2012-01-27T14:55:00.00Z 100.00 0.0100 12001 43.797 11.789 44.480 10.033 159.811 1.437 117.768 298.987 BDI IV HHE -- 2012-01-27T14:53:00.00Z 2012-01-27T14:55:00.00Z 100.00 0.0100 12001 44.062 10.597 44.480 10.033 64.692 0.582 135.664 316.056 BDI IV HHN -- 2012-01-27T14:53:00.00Z 2012-01-27T14:55:00.00Z 100.00 0.0100 12001 44.062 10.597 44.480 10.033 64.692 0.582 135.664 316.056 BDI IV HHZ -- 2012-01-27T14:53:00.00Z 2012-01-27T14:55:00.00Z 100.00 0.0100 12001 44.062 10.597 44.480 10.033 64.692 0.582 135.664 316.056
summary3.log : List downloaded stations, metadata, PGMs, central frequency and picker values. 2 Lines of format explaining header. Format: One line for each data. Metadata and values for each line: StationCode
Network Channel LocationCode Station_lat Station_lon Event_lat Event_lon Epicentral_distance (km) Azimut PeakGroundDisplacement [m] PeakGroundVelocity [m/s] PeakGroundAcceleration [m/s^2] List of Spectral Acceleration Response at different corner frequencies [m/s^2] (may be empty) Central Frequencies [Hz] (may be empty) Short-term average Long-term average Picker trigger on value Picker trigger off value Picking list (Sample after begin trace)Examples: ASQU IV HHE -- 43.797 11.789 44.480 10.033 159.8 117.768 8.530e-05 2.395e-04 4.507e-03 1.230e-02 3.142e-03 2.264e-04 1.528e-01 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1
BOB IV HHZ -- 44.768 9.448 44.480 10.033 56.4 304.766 2.873e-04 1.800e-03 3.392e-02 6.413e-02 1.634e-02 1.560e-03 1.032e+00 1.00 7.00 5.00 1.00 [2688 3251][3657 4070]
Note: -1.00 values means that shrt/long term average and trigger are off
--server Servers busy or not responding may return into script failure. run the script later or remove the server which causes error.
--cha Wildcard allowed only for one channel. e.g.: "BH*" or "HH*"
but not "BH* HH*". Use "BHZ BHN BHE HHZ HHN HHE" instead.
--reject 100 means only traces with full required length are hold
--reject 10 means all traces that are only a 10% or shorter with
respect to the total required length are removed
--rot When --rot==Y and --reject < 100,
rotation of the horizontal component may fail.
Rotation requires identical record length of the
horizontal components. Thus --rot==Y force --reject 100.
It may occurs that --rot="Y" and --reject 100 do not result true
because of files synchronization.
--server "IRIS EIDA"
Generally EIDA provides real-time data while IRIS not
--pltmode When enabled, this option also save the plots into pdf file format into
--outdir path. Plot names: plotWavesZ.pdf for vertical; plotWavesNS.pdf
and plotWavesEW.pdf with --pltNERT "NE"; plotWavesT.pdf and plotWavesR.pdf
with --pltNERT "RT"
When --slta != None and pltmode activated, the picks are plotted automatically
--pgm --slta Applied after deconvolution and filtering
- Circular download.
./ --usr --pas myPassword --beg 2011-01-29T17:41:00 --end 2011-01-29T17:45:00 --center "47.56 18.34" --radius "0 6"
- Circular Download with server EIDA selected and plot (y-axe = Distance [km]).
./ --usr --pas myPassword --beg 2011-05-26T11:35:00 --len 300 --center "42.94 11.05" --radius "0 1.8" --server "EIDA" --res 3 --pltmode 2 --pltcha B
- Rectangular Download with network, channel selectd and plot.
./ --usr --pas myPassword --beg 2011-01-29T06:55:00 --end 2011-01-29T07:15:00 --mode rectangular --infCor "40 -10" --supCor "85 30" --net "MN II" --cha "BH*" --pltmode 1 --pltcha B
- Rectangular Download with bandpass filter from IRIS, no user and password required.
./ --beg 2011-04-01T13:29:00 --end 2011-04-01T13:49:00 --mode rectangular --infCor "20 10" --supCor "60 60" --server "IRIS" --net "MN GE II" --cha "BH*" --pltmode 1 --bandpass "2 0.01 0.02" --pltcha B
- Circulare Download with rotation to GCP and azimuthal selected plot. Lopass filtered data ar stored into "filterd" subdirectory. End timewindow 600 second after begin Time.
./ --usr --pas myPassword --beg 2011-07-17T18:30:00 --len 600 --center "45.01 11.41" --radius "0 2" --cha "BH*" --pltmode 2 --rot "Y" --pltNERT "RT" --pltazi "0 180" --lowpass "4 0.5" --wfiltr "filtered" --format SAC --pltcha B
- Circulare Download with multiple channel list selection.
./ --usr --pas myPassword --beg 2011-07-17T18:30:00 --len 600 --center "45.01 11.41" --radius "0 2" --server "EIDA" --cha "BHZ BHN BHE HHZ HHN HHE"
- Circular Download with slta picking and lowpass filter.
./ --usr --pas myPassword --beg 2011-07-17T18:29:00 --end 2011-07-17T18:34:00 --center "45.01 11.41" --radius "0 1" --server "EIDA" --cha "BHZ" --pltmode 2 --pltcha B --cfreq "Y" --slta "1 5 4 1" --lowpass "4 1" --wfiltr filtered --format SAC
- Circular Download from IRIS server including local fseed file as a data source. Instrument response deconvolution and user specified corner frequencies for deconvolution. No user and Password required. Default --res 2.
./ --beg 2011-07-17T18:29:00 --end 2011-07-17T18:34:00 --center "45.01 11.41" --radius "0 20" --server "IRIS LOCAL" --fsfile "mypath/myfile.fseed" --net "II MN IU" --cha "BHZ" --pltmode 2 --cfreq "Y" --slta "1 5 4 1" --lowpass "4 1" --deco Y --flim "0.01 0.05 0.1 1" --pltcha B
- ShakeMap configuartion. Corner frequencies limits for deconvolution should be adapted for high frequencies. Pgm values stored into user specified file "ShakePga_dat.xml".
./ --usr --pas myPassword --beg 2012-05-29T10:54:00 --len 200 --center "44.89 11.01" --radius "0 4" --server EIDA --cha "HH*" --res 3 --deco Y --pgm Y --shake Y --pgmfile ShakePga_dat.xml --flim "0.05 0.1 20 40"