This project is an assessment project for Udacity's React Fundamentals course. The goal of this project is practice the fundamentals learning of React-Native as Navigation, Animation, AsyncStorage, React-Native components and Native APIs.
The following features should be implemented (to be accepted):
- Display 5 screens: 'List of Decks', 'Deck Specification', 'Create Deck', 'Quiz' and 'Create Card'
- User will use TabNavigation and StackNavigation to navigate through this screens
- Create Deck should add a new Deck to the list and open its 'Deck Specification' to allow user add new cards
- Quiz screen should display all cards from a deck, one by one, and User will exercise his memorize skill and inform App if He remembered the answer or not (two buttons: "correct" and "incorrect") and App will summerize results.
- Quiz should display results once User answered all cards from deck.
- App must notify user daily using Push Notification (React-Native API) to remember user to train.
In addition, this features was also implemented:
- App Icon and Splash Screen.
- FlatList has refresh option, to manually update once User create a new deck or add a new card.
- Using of Graph for result.
- Use of Animation in Results.
- Load Pre-Data on setup.
Desirable features (may not be implemented until assessment's deadline):
- Save user answers to track User improvements
- Update and Delete a card from deck.
- Delete a deck.
To get started developing right away:
- install all project dependencies with
npm install
- export
env variable informing your IP, if you have VirtualBox installed - start the development server with
npm start
├── assets
│ ├── brain-cenit-view.ico # Push Notification Icon | Icons made by: Freepik, Licensed by: CC 3.0 BY
│ ├── preData.js # List of Decks loaded on first setup
│ ├── splash2.png # App Splash
│ └── Sketch001.png # App Icon | Vector made by: -
├── components
│ ├── ProgressBar.js # ProgressBar component used in Quiz screen
│ ├── QuestionCard.js # Card component used in Quiz screen
│ └── Results.js # Results component used in Quiz screen
├── helpers
│ ├── colors.js # File contains colors constants for Styling
│ ├── notification.js # Functions for Push Notification API
│ └── storage.js # Functions for Storage - AsyncStorage
├── navigation
│ ├── AppNavigator.js # Capsulate Navigation and return an 'AppContainer'
│ └── MainTabNavigator.js # StackNavigation and TabNavigation declarations
├── screens
│ ├── Deck.js # Deck Specification screen, it has navigation for 'Quiz' and 'Create Card' screens
│ ├── DeckList.js # Deck List screen, it has navigation to 'Deck Specification' screen once a deck is selected
│ ├── NewCard.js # New Card screen, it has navigation to 'Deck Specification' screen once a new card is created
│ ├── NewDeck.js # New Deck screen, it has navigation to 'Deck Specification' screen once a new deck is created
│ └── Quiz.js # Quiz screen, it has navigation to 'Quiz' (restart quiz) and 'Deck Specification' screens
├── App.js # Main App component, contains AppNavigator and StatusBar
├── app.json # App Specifications for 'run' and 'deploy'
└── package.json # Project dependences
- You will need
installed as global.npm install -g exp
- For Android:
exp build:android
- For IOS:
exp build:ios
- This app was tested on Android only