A tiny LRU implementation that strives for simplicity and performance.
An LRU instance works identically to a Map instance, except that a maximum of maxSize
items for approximately maxAge
milliseconds are remembered, the least recently used items exceeding that size are deleted automatically, and a few extra methods are provided: peek
and resize
npm install picolru
import LRU from 'picolru';
// Let's create an LRU
const lru = new LRU<string, number> ({
maxAge: 60_000, // Maximum number of milliseconds to remember a stale entry for, approximately
maxSize: 3, // Maximum number of entries to remember
onEviction: ( key, value ) => { // Optional callback for deleted entries
console.log ( 'Entry deleted:', {key, value} );
// Let's use it with the same exact APIs that a Map has
// Calling .set or .get makes the target entry the most recently used entry
lru.size; // => 0
lru.set ( 'a', 1 );
lru.set ( 'b', 2 );
lru.set ( 'c', 3 );
lru.size; // => 3
lru.get ( 'a' ); // => 1
lru.get ( 'd' ); // => undefined
lru.set ( 'd', 4 );
lru.size; // => 3
lru.has ( 'a' ); // => true
lru.has ( 'b' ); // => false
lru.delete ( 'd' ); // => true
for ( const [key, value] of lru ) { // Entries are iterated in insertion order, just like a regular Map
console.log ({ key, value });
lru.clear ();
lru.size; // => 0
// A couple of extra APIs are provided also
lru.peek ( 'a' ); // => undefined, like .get, but this doesn't make the target entry the most recently used item
lru.resize ( 100 ); // This changes the "maxSize" value for the LRU, it can used to either grow it or shrink it
MIT © Fabio Spampinato