A little library for working with well-known symbols.
npm install known-symbols
import Known from 'known-symbols';
// Retrieve all the well-known symbols
const symbols = Known.getSymbols (); // [Symbol.asyncIterator, Symbol.hasInstance, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, ...]
// Retrieve all the names of well-known symbols
const names = Known.getNames (); // ['asyncIterator', 'hasInstance', 'isConcatSpreadable', ...]
// Retrieve the symbol of a well-known symbol, given the name
const symbol = Known.getSymbol ( 'asyncIterator' ); // Symbol.asyncIterator
// Retrieve the name of a well-known symbol, given the symbol
const name = Known.getName ( Symbol.asyncIterator ); // 'asyncIterator'
// Check if a symbol is a well-known symbol
const isKnownSymbol = Known.hasSymbol ( Symbol.asyncIterator ); // true
// Check if a string is the name of a well-known symbol
const isKnownName = Known.hasName ( 'asyncIterator' ); // true
MIT © Fabio Spampinato