Formula Andy is the State of the art Formula One Manager game, open-source and written in Java.
Download the source code by running the following code in your command prompt:
$ git clone
or simply grab a copy of the source code as a zip file.
For building the source code, we use Gradle. To run gradle, enter the following in your command prompt:
$ ./gradlew build
To test the source code, run the following code in your command prompt
$ ./gradlew test
Formula Andy is a multi-player game and requires a server to run. To quickly start
a test server on localhost
, run the following in your command prompt:
$ ./gradlew :fa-server:runTestServer
To run the game's frontend, simply enter the following in your command prompt:
$ ./gradlew :fa-frontend-javafx:run
This will open the JavaFX frontend of the game and present a login screen. The following pre-defined users are available:
Username | Password |
fabianishere | test |
christov | test |
The code is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE.txt