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Admin Guide

f0cker edited this page Jan 17, 2024 · 17 revisions

Running the application

Docker Diagram

To start the application use the following

sudo docker compose -f docker-compose.nvidia.yml up

Or to demonise:

sudo docker compose -f docker-compose.nvidia.yml up -d

To wipe all images/containers and start fresh build use:

sudo docker system prune -a

Some admin scripts are included under /utils, these are very rough small scripts which I am adding to as the need arises.

Rate Limiting

The NGINX container is setup to use fail2ban to restrict brute force guessing against the login page. If a user is unable to access the application and you don't know why, this is probably the reason, it will block the offending IP address after 10 consecutive failed authentication requests. The below commands will help you troubleshoot in this case:

sudo docker exec --user root -it nginx fail2ban-client status

sudo docker exec --user root -it nginx fail2ban-client get nginx-http-auth

sudo docker exec --user root -it nginx fail2ban-client set nginx-http-auth unbanip x.x.x.x


sudo docker exec --user root -it nginx fail2ban-client unban —all

Note: if you receive the error 'Error: No such container: —-user' replace the double dash (--)

Further Notes

The following files are used during operation for logging and state management:

  • /var/crackq/logs/crackq.log - log file
  • /var/crackq/logs/crackqdb.sqlite - sqlite user db
  • /var/crackq/logs/crackq.conf - config file

There are a bunch of scripts under /utils that may be useful for further debugging or clearing queues.