This is an example project using purescript-web3 and purescript-web3-generator to interact with a very simple smart contract -- just storing, updating, and querying a 256-bit unsigned integer. It uses Thermite and purescript-react for the ui.
It should be easy to clone this repo as a template for other web3 enabled applications. It has a Webpack configuration for introducing contract addresses as environment variables to your application, as well as all of the loaders one would need for a real world PureScript application.
Note: In addition to the following requirements, because the example app now depends on being able to use uPort if the user desires, you must point your MetaMask account to a Rinkeby node
- MetaMask Chrome extension
- an Ethereum address (with a nonzero Ether balance) known to MetaMask on
network - an address for an uploaded
Using npm
> npm install
> npm run generator
> env SIMPLE_STORAGE_ADDRESS=<your-contract-address> npm run webpack-dev-server
or by using Yarn
> yarn
> yarn generator
> env SIMPLE_STORAGE_ADDRESS=<your-contract-address> yarn webpack-dev-server