This is the repository for the website at It is based on Jekyll and you can find the development version here.
First, make sure buster-backports is enabled.
sudo apt-get install -t buster-backports \
gettext linkchecker po4a python3 python3-babel rsync rubocop ruby-bundler \
ruby-git ruby-jekyll-include-cache ruby-jekyll-redirect-from ruby-json \
ruby-loofah ruby-rchardet ruby-rouge ruby-rspec ruby-zip unzip
bundle install --local
jekyll build
If you experience an error during the build process, try also:
bundle update
Look at the .gitlab-ci.yml for more examples of custom setups, like building only a subset of the languages.
You need to have Jekyll 3.2+ installed what is easily done with Gem which depends on Ruby 2.0+. Because of the F-Droid plugin you need to have zlib installed.
sudo apt-get install build-essential git ruby-full zlib1g-dev
sudo gem install bundler
bundle install
To build the website, run:
bundle exec jekyll build
If you want to build the website and serve it with a local server at localhost:4000, use:
bundle exec jekyll serve
Vagrant makes it easy to setup and
destroy VMs. That is handy for making a clean and predictable build
environment, regardless of the base system. If used with VirtualBox,
then the current directory will be shared into the VM, so you can edit
locally, and have jekyll serve
running in the VM.
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
vagrant@buster:~$ cd /vagrant
vagrant@buster:/vagrant$ bundle install --local
vagrant@buster:/vagrant$ jekyll serve --host
Then connect to http://localhost:4000 to see the generated site.
- Clone F-Droid's Jekyll plugin
- Configure bundle to use it:
bundle config --local local.jekyll-fdroid ../jekyll-fdroid
- Follow the steps above
If you want to use the official Git repository again,
run bundle config --delete local.jekyll-fdroid
Alternatively you may also set the jekyll-fdroid
dependeny line in Gemfile to
your local clone, e.g.: gem 'jekyll-fdroid', :path => './jekyll-fdroid'
To avoid building 4000+ packages you can change the F-Droid repo configuration for a smaller one:
This program is Free Software: You can use, study share and improve it at your will. Specifically you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Everything on this website can be translated. See Translation and Localization for more info. The staging site includes all translations, whether they are complete or not.