In this course, you'll learn:
- The origin, architecture, primary components, and building blocks of Kubernetes
- How to set up and access a Kubernetes cluster using Kind
- Ways to run applications on the deployed Kubernetes environment and access the deployed applications
In this training we will deploy and scale let's chat application on kubernetes cluster. Let's Chat is a persistent messaging application that runs on Node.js and MongoDB with Nginx at the front.
- Deploy and Explore Lets-Chat-Web
- Expose and Scale Lets-Chat-Web
- Rolling-Update Lets-Chat-Web
- Discover all Lets-Chat microservices
- Set Health-Checks and Self-Healing to Containers
- Get ENV Values from ConfigMap and Secrets
- Inject Files to Containers Using configMap and secret Volumes
- Share Directory Between 2 Containers in a Pod Using emptyDir Volume.
- Persist Lets-Chat-DB into the Node File-System Using hostPath Volume
- Persist Lets-Chat-APP into External Shared File-System Using persistentVolumeClaim Volume
- Expose Lets-Chat on FQDN:80 Using Ingress and Nginx-Controller
- Write Helm Chart for Lets-Chat-Web
- Use Lets-Chat chart-of-charts To Install/Upgrade