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Tour and hotel management project made for my 3rd Year, 1st Semester - Software Engineering Lab.

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Tourmate - A Complete Tour Management Platform

Make your tour easier using our platform.

Note: Make these project while learning react development, and make as a project of my 3rd Year, 1st Semester - Software Engineering Lab. It's a extended version of the-wild-oasis project

Project Overview

The Tour and Hotel Management App is designed to streamline the management of multiple hotels in various tourist destinations. The app provides an interface for tourists, hotel managers, and administrators to manage bookings, hotel staff, and other hotel-related tasks in an efficient manner.

Project Planning

Idea of these project

  • User of my app are tourist, hotel employees and admin.

    • Tourists: Can search for places, view tourist spots, and book hotels. They can also leave reviews and manage bookings.

    • Hotel Management: Manages hotel listings, handles bookings, and communicates with tourists for any booking-related issues.

    • Admin: Oversees both tourists and hotel management, manages system-level activities, resolves disputes, and generates reports for business analysis.

Project Requirements/Features

1. Guest Tourists (Non-Registered Users)

  • Can view the landing page and search for tourist destinations.
  • View a list of available hotels for each destination along with a map displaying their locations.
  • Must sign up to create a booking.

2. Tourists (Registered Users)

  • Access a personal dashboard showing:
    • Current and past bookings.
    • Favorite destinations or hotels.
    • Personal profile management (upload/change avatar and edit personal details).
  • Make a booking, specifying:
    • Number of guests, number of nights, additional services like breakfast.
    • Choose between different booking statuses: "Unconfirmed", "Check-in", or "Check-out".
  • Manage bookings (edit, delete, check-in, check-out).
  • Pay for the booking during check-in if the payment hasn’t been completed earlier.
  • Add breakfast options during check-in if not selected during booking.

3. Hotel Management (Admin and Employees)

Super Admin

  • Manage Multiple Hotels:
    • Add/remove hotels under the company's management.
    • Assign hotel managers for each hotel.
  • Dashboard:
    • View key statistics for all hotels (bookings, occupancy rates, revenue, etc.).
    • Generate reports for individual hotels or combined statistics.
    • Compare the performance of multiple hotels.

Hotel Manager

  • Hotel-Specific Management:
    • Manage rooms, bookings, staff, and hotel settings for their assigned hotel.
    • Access to hotel-specific statistics, guest check-in/check-out records, and sales data.
    • Update room pricing, availability, and discounts.
  • Can manage bookings, confirming check-ins, processing check-outs, and accepting payment.
  • Can add hotel employees.

Hotel Employees

  • Booking and Guest Management:
    • Manage bookings: check-ins, check-outs, and guest services.
    • View guest details: full name, email, national ID, nationality, and country flag for easy identification.
    • Accept payment upon guest arrival and confirm breakfast options if necessary.

4. Booking Management

  • Bookings include:
    • Number of guests, number of nights, and guest observations.
    • Option to add breakfast (price is determined by the admin).
  • Bookings can be filtered by status: "Unconfirmed", "Check-in", "Check-out".
  • Payment processing during check-in if not prepaid.
  • Guests can add services (e.g., breakfast) upon check-in.

5. Dashboard Features

  • The initial screen shows a dashboard with:
    • List of guests checking in and checking out.
    • Statistics of bookings, sales, check-ins, and occupancy rates (filterable by the last 7, 30, or 90 days).
    • Charts showing:
      • Daily hotel sales.
      • Stay duration statistics.

6. Other Features

  • Table View for Cabins/Rooms:
    • Displays cabin photo, name, capacity, price, discount, and other relevant information.
  • Hotel Settings:
    • Hotel manager can set breakfast prices, minimum/maximum nights per booking, maximum guests per booking, and other settings.
  • Dark Mode: The application includes a dark mode for improved usability.

Features Categories

  • Admin (Super User)
  • Guests
  • Hotel Managers
  • Hotel Employes
  • Dashboard
  • Check in and checkout
  • App settings
  • Authentication
  • Map integration

Necessary Pages

Categories Pages Works
Landing Page / front page. visible for public
Bookings /bookings booking management
Cabins /cabins cabin management
Guests /guests guest homepage
Admin /admin admin homepage
Managers /managers manager homepage
Employees /employees employee homepage
Dashboard /dashboard dashboard of each user
Check in/out /checkin/:bookingId check in/out management
App Settings /settings hotel setting
Authentication /users user info
/account account info..basically login
/signup signup page for guest
/login login page for all user

Technology Stack

Category Technology
Routing React Router React Router
Styling Styled Components Styled Components
Remote State Management React Query React Query
UI State Management Context API Context API
Form Management React Hook Form React Hook Form
Other Tools React Icons / React Hot Toast / Recharts / date-fns / Supabase

Project Setup

It's initial project setup. We do not need it when we clone this project.

npm create vite@latest //5.5.3
(base)  eyasir329@eyasirPC  ~/Documents/GitHub  npm create vite@latest
Need to install the following packages:
Ok to proceed? (y) y
✔ Project name: … tourmate
✔ Select a framework: › React
✔ Select a variant: › JavaScript

Scaffolding project in /home/eyasir329/Documents/GitHub/tourmate...

Done. Now run:

cd tourmate
npm install //to install all packagages

#Delete all unnecessary file

#Run the project
    npm run dev
then it's run in port 5173

Installation & Setup

Clone the repository:

git clone
cd tourmate
npm i
npm run dev

Folder Structure


Setting up Routes and Pages

For this purpose, we are using react-router-dom package. npm i react-router-dom


      <Route index element={<Home />} />
      {/* main app */}
      <Route path="/app" element={<AppLayout />}>
        {/* admin */}
        <Route path="admin" element={<Admin />}>
          <Route index element={<Navigate replace to="dashboard" />} />
          <Route path="dashboard" element={<Dashboard />} />
          <Route path="users" element={<Users />} />
          <Route path="account" element={<Account />} />
          <Route path="create_hotel" element={<CreateHotel />} />
          <Route path="delete_hotel" element={<DeleteHotel />} />
          <Route path="*" element={<PageNotFound />} />{" "}
        {/* manager */}
        <Route path="manager" element={<Manager />}>
          <Route index element={<Navigate replace to="dashboard" />} />
          <Route path="dashboard" element={<Dashboard />} />
          <Route path="users" element={<Users />} />
          <Route path="account" element={<Account />} />
          <Route path="bookings" element={<Bookings />} />
          <Route path="cabins" element={<Cabins />} />
          <Route path="settings" element={<Settings />} />
          <Route path="create_employee" element={<CreateEmployee />} />
          <Route path="delete_employee" element={<DeleteEmployee />} />
          <Route path="history" element={<History />} />
          <Route path="*" element={<PageNotFound />} />{" "}
        {/* employee */}
        <Route path="employee" element={<Employee />}>
          <Route index element={<Navigate replace to="dashboard" />} />
          <Route path="dashboard" element={<Dashboard />} />
          <Route path="users" element={<Users />} />
          <Route path="account" element={<Account />} />
          <Route path="bookings" element={<Bookings />} />
          <Route path="cabins" element={<Cabins />} />
          <Route path="*" element={<PageNotFound />} />{" "}
        {/* guest */}
        <Route path="guest" element={<Guest />}>
          <Route index element={<Navigate replace to="dashboard" />} />
          <Route path="dashboard" element={<Dashboard />} />
          <Route path="users" element={<Users />} />
          <Route path="account" element={<Account />} />
          <Route path="*" element={<PageNotFound />} />{" "}

        <Route path="*" element={<PageNotFound />} />

      <Route path="/login" element={<Login />} />
      <Route path="/signup" element={<SignUp />} />

      <Route path="*" element={<PageNotFound />} />

App Layout

Necessary package, npm i react-icons

Using CSS Grid, to make AppLayout.jsx app layout.

