Data comparison tool by Joshua Harrison
For AD, 1to1 Asset Management, and Microsoft Intune
Unzip all contents into a directory.
It may be more convenient to make a new folder, and unzip it there.
The DataAnalysis.exe - Shortcut can be moved wherever you wish.
This shortcut points to the .exe in the dist folder.
This tool will automatically connect to AD to pull staff/student workstation data based off your school selection.
This data will be cleaned, pulling the SN: from the description if possible.
All District devices will be removed from the data.
Be sure to export the files you wish to compare; 1to1 assets, autopilot, intune.
1to1: Be sure you are exporting the columns "Computer Name", "Serial Number", "Asset ID", and "Asset Type"
The other fields and the name of the file do not matter.
Autopilot: Export the list from Devices>Enrollment>Devices
Intune: Export your list from Devices>Windows
The program automatically compares all the data sets and exports a spreadsheet with matches, exceptions, duplicates, and missing serials.
There is a README in the exported file if you require further explenation of each sheet.
For any questions, suggestions, bugs, or comments, please email me at REDACTED