A starting point for your first Discord.JS Bot Built from the Discord.JS Guide.
In discord developer portal, create an app. Once create not the values you'll need for the config below, then give your bot a name and generate a user for it. Clone the repo, then run "npm install" in project root to install module dependancies. Replace the values in config-sample.json with the ones you generated when you created the app. Rename config-sample.json to config.json
command registration/deployment is handled by deploy-commands.js add your code and run "node deploy-commands.js" from project root
Generate Oauth2 urls for your bot (specifically application.commands & bot) and assign your bot permissions (Administrator). Copy the link, paste it in browser, choose a server(guild) to deploy to. You can bring the bot online by running "node index.js"
Each command is its own file. The commands folder gets read in and any .js files in the folder are treated as individual commands. Run "node deploy-commands.js" whenever you add new commands.