lr is a simple procedural macro for generating a recursive parser from a BNF-based grammer language. The following example shows the grammer language:
fn main() {
lr::parser1! {
Plus = "+";
Minus = "-";
Mul = "*";
Div = "/";
Num = r"([1-9][0-9]*|0)";
ParenLeft = "(";
ParenRight = ")";
Expr = BinAp | UnAp | Group | Num;
Group = ParenLeft Expr ParenRight;
BinAp = Expr Op Expr;
UnAp = Op Expr;
Op = Minus | Plus | Div | Mul;
let cursor = lr::CharCursor::new("4+3-(23*2)");
let lexer = parser::Lexer::new(cursor);
let parser = parser::Parser::new(lexer);
let (advanced_parser, expr) = parser::Expr::parse(parser).expect("Failed to parse Expr!");
// do something with the parsed expression
// ...
The framework can also handle left recursive non-terminal rules (e.g: Expr in the example above).
Current main focus is also to offer additional support for quantity modifiers:
In the future a naming syntax for sequences will be introduced and special builder functions will be integrated that should allow transforming of the parsed syntax tree to enable flawless integration with type systems.
Main goal for now is the generation of a lexer for the tokens that can be defined with simple strings or regular expressions. Therefore a regex parser and a token parser generator needs to be implemented
Additionally support for quantity modifiers is implemented:
fn main() {
lr::parser1! {
Document = Function*; // zero or more functions
Function = Name BraceLeft FunctionBlock BraceRight;
FunctionBlock = [Program]; // optional program
Program = Statement+; // one or more statements