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Evyn Price edited this page Feb 23, 2021 · 3 revisions

( ) Refers an optional argument

[ ] Refers to a required argument

Info commands

Command Description Aliases Usage Example
Commands Provides a list of bot commands commands, cmds b.commands b.commands
Help Provides information about the bot info, information
Invite Provides the bot invite link n/a b.invite b.invite
Ping Provides the current bot ping n/a
ServerInfo Provides information about the current server server, guild, guildinfo b.serverinfo b.serverinfo
Stats Provides technical information on the bot process statistics, performance b.stats b.stats
Support Provides a link to the community Discord server n/a b.invite b.invite
Usage Provides the proper usage of a specific command n/a b.usage [command] b.usage ping
UserInfo Provides information about you or a specific command user b.userinfo [userId/userMention] b.userinfo @TheTechnicalFox#0056

Fun Commands

Command Description Aliases Usage Example
Say Says the provided content and deletes the original message speak b.say [content] b.say hello there
Prequelmeme Posts a random image from r/prequelmemes n/a b.prequelmeme b.prequelmeme

Moderation Commands

Command Description Aliases Usage Example
Ban Bans the provided user and deletes messages sent by user based on days. Optionally add reason n/a b.ban [userMention/UserId] (delDays 0-7) (reason) b.ban @TheTechnicalFox#0056 5 spam b.ban @TheTechnicalFox#0056
Kick Kicks the provided user with an optional reason n/a b.kick [userMention/userId] (reason) b.kick @TheTechnicalFox#0056 advertising
Purge Deletes selected amount of messages in current or mentioned channel prune, delete, remove b.purge [0-99] (channel name/reason) (reason) b.purge 50 #general spamming


Command Description Aliases Usage Example
Settings Changes bot per-guild settings settings, config, conf b.settings [setting] (value) b.settings prefix $


Command Description Usage Example
Counting Responds with information about Counting Game b.counting / b.counting help b.counting / b.counting help
Top Sends the top 10 counters in your server b.counting top b.counting top
Channel Sends or edits the current counting channel b.counting / b.counting #counting b.counting / b.counting #counting


Setting Description Usage Example
Prefix Views or changes the bot's listening prefix b.setting prefix [newPrefix] b.setting prefix $
Embed Views or changes if the bot should respond with embed messages b.setting embed [true/false] b.setting embed false
Activity-Logs Views or changes the activity log channel b.setting activity-logs (channelId/channelMention) b.setting activity-logs #activity-logs
Mod-Logs Views or changes the moderation log channel b.setting mod-logs (channelId/channelMention) b.setting mod-logs #mod-logs
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