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evolarjun committed Feb 18, 2020
2 parents d4abf02 + 8f73ab4 commit d230cf1
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Showing 7 changed files with 141 additions and 60 deletions.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/binary.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
name: binary tarball

on: [release]

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: setup
run: sudo apt-get install -y hmmer ncbi-blast+ curl build-essential
- name: download
run: bash -x .github/workflows/
- name: where are we
run: |
ls -al
- name: test protein
run: |
./amrfinder --plus -p test_prot.fa -g test_prot.gff -O Escherichia >
diff test_prot.expected
- name: test dna
run: |
./amrfinder --plus -n test_dna.fa -O Escherichia --mutation_all >
diff test_dna.expected
- name: test combined
run: |
./amrfinder --plus -n test_dna.fa -p test_prot.fa -g test_prot.gff -O Escherichia >
diff test_both.expected
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# found and lightly modified these functions
get_latest_release() {
curl --silent "$1/releases/latest" |
grep '"tag_name":' |
cut -d '"' -f 4

get_tarball_url() {
curl --silent "$1/releases/latest" |
fgrep '"browser_download_url":' |
cut -d '"' -f 4

release=$(get_latest_release ncbi/amr)
URL=$(get_tarball_url ncbi/amr)

# download and unpack AMRFinder binaries
curl --silent -L -O $URL
tarball_name=$(echo $URL | perl -pe 's#^.*/(.*)#\1#')
tar xfz $tarball_name
rm $tarball_name

# download and unpack test
curl --silent \
-O \
-O \
-O \
-O \
-O \

# download database
./amrfinder --update
50 changes: 27 additions & 23 deletions amrfinder.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,10 @@
* cat, cp, cut, grep, head, mkdir, mv, nproc, sort, tail, which
* Release changes:
* 3.6.10 02/06/2020 PD-3357, issue#21 --mutation_all bug
* 3.6.13 02/13/2020 PD-3359,issue#23 ln -s <db>: uses path2canonical()
* 3.6.12 02/13/2020 PD-3359,issue#23 AMRFinder database directory may contain spaces
* 3.6.11 02/13/2020 PD-3359,issue#23 AMRFinder code directory may contain spaces
* 3.6.10 02/06/2020 PD-3357,issue#21 --mutation_all bug
* 01/24/2020 PD-3345 Improved error message for "GFF file mismatch"
* 3.6.9 01/13/2020 "Database directory" is printed to stederr
* 01/10/2020 PD-3329 ln -s .../amrfinder abc: abc calls the right executables
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,18 +202,18 @@ struct ThisApplication : ShellApplication

string file2link (const string &fName) const
const string s (realpath (fName. c_str (), nullptr));
const string s (path2canonical (fName));
if (s == fName)
return string ();
return s;

StringVector db2organisms (const string &db) const
StringVector db2organisms () const
exec ("tail -n +2 " + db + "/ | cut -f 1 > " + tmp + ".prot_org");
exec ("tail -n +2 " + db + "/ | cut -f 1 > " + tmp + ".tax_org");
exec ("tail -n +2 " + tmp + ".db/" + " | cut -f 1 > " + tmp + ".prot_org");
exec ("tail -n +2 " + tmp + ".db/" + " | cut -f 1 > " + tmp + ".tax_org");
exec ("cat " + tmp + ".prot_org " + tmp + ".tax_org | sort -u > " + tmp + ".org");
return StringVector (tmp + ".org", (size_t) 100); // PAR
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,8 +247,8 @@ struct ThisApplication : ShellApplication

Stderr stderr (quiet);
stderr << "Running "<< getCommandLine () << '\n';
stderr << "Software directory: " << execDir << "\n";
stderr << "Running: "<< getCommandLine () << '\n';
stderr << "Software directory: " << shellQuote (execDir) << "\n";

if (threads_max < threads_max_min)
throw runtime_error ("Number of threads cannot be less than " + to_string (threads_max_min));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,26 +317,27 @@ struct ThisApplication : ShellApplication
if (! dbDir. items. empty () && dbDir. items. back () == "latest")
prog2dir ["amrfinder_update"] = execDir;
exec (fullProg ("amrfinder_update") + " -d " + dbDir. getParent () + ifS (quiet, " -q") + ifS (qc_on, " --debug") + " > " + logFName, logFName);
exec (fullProg ("amrfinder_update") + " -d " + shellQuote (dbDir. getParent ()) + ifS (quiet, " -q") + ifS (qc_on, " --debug") + " > " + logFName, logFName);
cout << "WARNING: Updating database directory works only for databases with the default data directory format." << endl
<< "Please see for details." << endl
<< "Current database directory is: " << strQuote (dbDir. get ()) << endl
<< "New database directories will be created as subdirectories of " << strQuote (dbDir. getParent ()) << endl;
<< "Current database directory is: " << dbDir. get () << endl
<< "New database directories will be created as subdirectories of " << dbDir. getParent () << endl;

const string downloadLatestInstr ("\nTo download the latest version to the default directory run amrfinder -u");

if (! directoryExists (db)) // PD-2447
throw runtime_error ("No valid AMRFinder database found." + ifS (! update, downloadLatestInstr));
stderr << "Database directory: " << db << "\n";
stderr << "Database directory: " << shellQuote (db) << "\n";
exec ("ln -s " + shellQuote (path2canonical (db)) + " " + tmp + ".db");

if (list_organisms)
const StringVector organisms (db2organisms (db));
const StringVector organisms (db2organisms ());
cout << "Possible organisms: " + organisms. toString (", ") << endl;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,11 +407,11 @@ struct ThisApplication : ShellApplication
if (! emptyArg (dna) && ! getFileSize (unQuote (dna))) emptyFiles << dna;
if (! emptyArg (gff) && ! getFileSize (unQuote (gff))) emptyFiles << gff;

stderr << "AMRFinder " << searchMode << " search with database " << db;
stderr << "AMRFinder " << searchMode << " search with database " << shellQuote (db);
const string link (file2link (db));
if (! link. empty ())
stderr << ": " << link;
stderr << ": " << shellQuote (link);
stderr << "\n";

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -468,7 +472,7 @@ struct ThisApplication : ShellApplication
if (! organism1. empty ())
const StringVector organisms (db2organisms (db));
const StringVector organisms (db2organisms ());
if (! organisms. contains (organism1))
throw runtime_error ("Possible organisms: " + organisms. toString (", "));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -561,14 +565,14 @@ struct ThisApplication : ShellApplication
string num_threads;
if (blastThreadable ("blastp") && prot_threads > 1)
num_threads = " -num_threads " + to_string (prot_threads);
th. exec (fullProg ("blastp") + " -query " + prot + " -db " + db + "/AMRProt "
th. exec (fullProg ("blastp") + " -query " + prot + " -db " + tmp + ".db/AMRProt" +" "
+ blastp_par + num_threads + " " BLAST_FMT " -out " + tmp + ".blastp > /dev/null 2> /dev/null", prot_threads);

stderr << "Running hmmsearch...\n";
string cpu;
if (prot_threads > 1)
cpu = "--cpu " + to_string (prot_threads);
th. exec (fullProg ("hmmsearch") + " --tblout " + tmp + ".hmmsearch --noali --domtblout " + tmp + ".dom --cut_tc -Z 10000 " + cpu + " " + db + "/AMR.LIB " + prot + " > /dev/null 2> /dev/null", prot_threads);
th. exec (fullProg ("hmmsearch") + " --tblout " + tmp + ".hmmsearch --noali --domtblout " + tmp + ".dom --cut_tc -Z 10000 " + cpu + " " + tmp + ".db/AMR.LIB" + " " + prot + " > /dev/null 2> /dev/null", prot_threads);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -601,13 +605,13 @@ struct ThisApplication : ShellApplication
FileItemGenerator fig (false, true, tmp + ".chunk");
string item;
while (fig. next (item))
th << thread (exec, fullProg ("blastx") + " -query " + tmp + ".chunk/" + item + " -db " + db + "/AMRProt "
th << thread (exec, fullProg ("blastx") + " -query " + tmp + ".chunk/" + item + " -db " + tmp + ".db/AMRProt" + " "
+ blastx_par + to_string (gencode) + " " BLAST_FMT
" -out " + tmp + ".blastx_dir/" + item + " > /dev/null 2> /dev/null", string ());
blastxChunks = true;
th. exec (fullProg ("blastx") + " -query " + dna + " -db " + db + "/AMRProt "
th. exec (fullProg ("blastx") + " -query " + dna + " -db " + tmp + ".db/AMRProt" + " "
+ blastx_par + to_string (gencode) + " " BLAST_FMT
" -out " + tmp + ".blastx > /dev/null 2> /dev/null", threadsAvailable);
amr_report_blastx = "-blastx " + tmp + ".blastx -dna_len " + tmp + ".len";
Expand All @@ -627,7 +631,7 @@ struct ThisApplication : ShellApplication
findProg ("blastn");
prog2dir ["dna_mutation"] = execDir;
stderr << "Running blastn...\n";
exec (fullProg ("blastn") + " -query " + dna + " -db " + db + "/AMR_DNA-" + organism1 + " -evalue 1e-20 -dust no "
exec (fullProg ("blastn") + " -query " + dna + " -db " + tmp + ".db/AMR_DNA-" + organism1 + " -evalue 1e-20 -dust no "
BLAST_FMT " -out " + tmp + ".blastn > " + logFName + " 2> " + logFName, logFName);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -661,8 +665,8 @@ struct ThisApplication : ShellApplication
// ".amr"
const string mutation_allS (mutation_all. empty () ? "" : ("-mutation_all " + mutation_all));
const string coreS (add_plus ? "" : " -core");
exec (fullProg ("amr_report") + " -fam " + db + "/ " + amr_report_blastp + " " + amr_report_blastx
+ " -organism " + strQuote (organism1) + " -mutation " + db + "/ " + mutation_allS + " "
exec (fullProg ("amr_report") + " -fam " + shellQuote (db + "/") + " " + amr_report_blastp + " " + amr_report_blastx
+ " -organism " + strQuote (organism1) + " -mutation " + shellQuote (db + "/") + " " + mutation_allS + " "
+ force_cds_report + " -pseudo" + coreS
+ (ident == -1 ? string () : " -ident_min " + toString (ident))
+ " -coverage_min " + toString (cov)
Expand All @@ -673,7 +677,7 @@ struct ThisApplication : ShellApplication
&& fileExists (db + "/AMR_DNA-" + organism1)
exec (fullProg ("dna_mutation") + tmp + ".blastn " + db + "/AMR_DNA-" + organism1 + ".tab" + qcS + " -log " + logFName + " > " + tmp + ".amr-snp", logFName);
exec (fullProg ("dna_mutation") + tmp + ".blastn " + shellQuote (db + "/AMR_DNA-" + organism1 + ".tab") + qcS + " -log " + logFName + " > " + tmp + ".amr-snp", logFName);
exec ("tail -n +2 " + tmp + ".amr-snp >> " + tmp + ".amr");

Expand Down
34 changes: 18 additions & 16 deletions amrfinder_update.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Requirements:\n\

Stderr stderr (quiet);
stderr << "Running "<< getCommandLine () << '\n';
stderr << "Running: "<< getCommandLine () << '\n';
const Verbose vrb (qc_on);

string mainDirS;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,23 +324,16 @@ Requirements:\n\

// Users's files
if (! directoryExists (mainDirS))
exec ("mkdir -p " + mainDirS);
exec ("mkdir -p " + shellQuote (mainDirS));

const string latestDir (mainDirS + latest_version + "/");
if (directoryExists (latestDir))
stderr << latestDir << " already exists, overwriting what was there\n";
stderr << shellQuote (latestDir) << " already exists, overwriting what was there\n";
exec ("mkdir -p " + latestDir);
exec ("mkdir -p " + shellQuote (latestDir));

const string latestLink (mainDirS + "latest");
if (directoryExists (latestLink))
removeFile (latestLink);
exec ("ln -s " + latest_version + " " + latestLink);

stderr << "Downloading AMRFinder database version " << latest_version << " into " << latestDir << "\n";
stderr << "Downloading AMRFinder database version " << latest_version << " into " << shellQuote (latestDir) << "\n";
const string urlDir (URL + curMinor + "/" + latest_version + "/");
fetchAMRFile (curl, urlDir, latestDir, "AMR.LIB");
fetchAMRFile (curl, urlDir, latestDir, "AMRProt");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -377,11 +370,20 @@ Requirements:\n\
fetchAMRFile (curl, urlDir, latestDir, "changes.txt");

stderr << "Indexing" << "\n";
exec (fullProg ("hmmpress") + " -f " + latestDir + "AMR.LIB > /dev/null 2> /dev/null");
exec (fullProg ("makeblastdb") + " -in " + latestDir + "AMRProt -dbtype prot -logfile /dev/null");
exec (fullProg ("makeblastdb") + " -in " + latestDir + "AMR_CDS -dbtype nucl -logfile /dev/null");
exec (fullProg ("hmmpress") + " -f " + shellQuote (latestDir + "AMR.LIB") + " > /dev/null 2> /dev/null");
exec ("ln -s " + shellQuote (path2canonical (latestDir)) + " " + tmp + ".db");
exec (fullProg ("makeblastdb") + " -in " + tmp + ".db/AMRProt" + " -dbtype prot -logfile /dev/null");
exec (fullProg ("makeblastdb") + " -in " + tmp + ".db/AMR_CDS" + " -dbtype nucl -logfile /dev/null");
for (const string& dnaPointMut : dnaPointMuts)
exec (fullProg ("makeblastdb") + " -in " + latestDir + "AMR_DNA-" + dnaPointMut + " -dbtype nucl -logfile /dev/null");
exec (fullProg ("makeblastdb") + " -in " + tmp + ".db/AMR_DNA-" + dnaPointMut + " -dbtype nucl -logfile /dev/null");

const string latestLink (mainDirS + "latest");
if (directoryExists (latestLink))
removeFile (latestLink);
exec ("ln -s " + shellQuote (path2canonical (latestDir)) + " " + shellQuote (latestLink));


Expand Down
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions common.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ string getCommandLine ()
if (! commandLine. empty ())
commandLine += ' ';
if (bad)
commandLine += strQuote (s, '\'');
commandLine += shellQuote (s);
commandLine += s;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ streampos getFileSize (const string &fName)
ifstream f (fName, ifstream::binary);
if (! f. good ())
throw runtime_error ("Cannot open file " + strQuote (fName));
throw runtime_error ("Cannot open file " + shellQuote (fName));

const streampos start = f. tellg ();
QC_ASSERT (start >= 0);
Expand All @@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ streampos getFileSize (const string &fName)
QC_ASSERT (end >= 0);

if (end < start)
throw runtime_error ("Bad file " + strQuote (fName));
throw runtime_error ("Bad file " + shellQuote (fName));
return end - start;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ StringVector::StringVector (const string &fName,
catch (const exception &e)
throw runtime_error ("Loading file " + strQuote (fName) + "\n" + e. what ());
throw runtime_error ("Loading file " + shellQuote (fName) + "\n" + e. what ());

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1294,9 +1294,9 @@ Input::Input (const string &fName,
, prog (0, displayPeriod)
if (! ifs. good ())
throw runtime_error ("Cannot open file " + strQuote (fName));
throw runtime_error ("Cannot open file " + shellQuote (fName));
if (! ifs. rdbuf () -> pubsetbuf (buf. get (), (long) bufSize))
throw runtime_error ("Cannot allocate buffer to file " + strQuote (fName));
throw runtime_error ("Cannot allocate buffer to file " + shellQuote (fName));

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1787,7 +1787,7 @@ void OFStream::open (const string &dirName,
ofstream::open (pathName);

if (! good ())
throw runtime_error ("Cannot create file " + strQuote (pathName));
throw runtime_error ("Cannot create file " + shellQuote (pathName));

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2082,7 +2082,7 @@ JsonMap::JsonMap (const string &fName)
CharInput in (fName);
const Token token (in);
if (! token. isDelimiter ('{'))
in. error ("Json file " + strQuote (fName) + ": text should start with '{'", false);
in. error ("Json file " + shellQuote (fName) + ": text should start with '{'", false);
parse (in);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2871,7 +2871,7 @@ void ShellApplication::initEnvironment ()
string path (execDir + programName);
for (;;)
const string path_new (realpath (path. c_str (), nullptr));
const string path_new (path2canonical (path));
if (path == path_new)
path = path_new;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2902,7 +2902,7 @@ string ShellApplication::which (const string &progName) const
if (tmp. empty ())
throw runtime_error ("Temporary file is needed");

try { exec ("which " + progName + " 1> " + tmp + ".src 2> /dev/null"); }
try { exec ("which " + shellQuote (progName) + " 1> " + tmp + ".src 2> /dev/null"); }
catch (const runtime_error &)
{ return string (); }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2940,9 +2940,9 @@ string ShellApplication::fullProg (const string &progName) const
string dir;
if (! find (prog2dir, progName, dir))
throw runtime_error ("Program " + strQuote (progName) + " is not found");
throw runtime_error ("Program " + shellQuote (progName) + " is not found");
ASSERT (isRight (dir, "/"));
return dir + progName + " ";
return shellQuote (dir + progName) + " ";

Expand Down

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