Every credentials used by evilfactorylabs are here using pass(1)
as a password manager, so you need to have
one if you haven't installed it.
Also, you need a pass-otp
extension to generate the TOTP code, go install it!
The GPG signature used is 07EFAC00F86F1434
where the public key can be accessed here.
pass Twitter/evilfactorylabs | pbcopy
pass otp OTP/Twitter/evilfactorylabs | pbcopy
That's it.
All commits must be signed. Plus if you have multiple git accounts on your machine, you can use this as a trick:
[includeIf "gitdir:~/.password-store/"]
name = evilfactorylabs
email = contact@evilfactorylabs.org
signkey = 15FB567DCBFA1A6C75DC6F9107EFAC00F86F1434
If you currently use pass
as your primary password manager too, maybe you use this approach:
[includeIf "gitdir:~/.password-store/evilfactorylabs"]
name = evilfactorylabs
email = contact@evilfactorylabs.org
signkey = 15FB567DCBFA1A6C75DC6F9107EFAC00F86F1434
Where ~/.password-store/evilfactorylabs
is symlinked to somewhere...