esi_requests wraps EVE-Online's ESI API with requests style methods:
import esi_requests
r = esi_requests.get("/markets/{region_id}/orders/", region_id=10000002, type_id=1403)
print(r.status) # 200
print(r.json()) # {[{'duration': 90, 'is_buy_order': False, ...}
with asyncio enabled and simplified:
import esi_requests
resps = esi_requests.get("/markets/{region_id}/orders/", region_id=10000002, type_id=[1403, 12005, 626])
print(resps) # [<Response [200]>, <Response [200]>, <Response [200]>]
print(resps[0].status) # 200
print(resps[0].url) #
which internally uses aiohttp to send requests asynchronously. This is equivalent to:
import asyncio
import aiohttp
async def request(region_id, type_ids):
url = "{region_id}/orders/?datasource=tranquility&order_type=all&page=1&type_id={type_id}"
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async for type_id in type_ids:
async with session.get(url.format(region_id=region_id, type_id=type_id)) as resp:
print(resp.status) # 200
print(await resp.json()) # {[{'duration': 90, 'is_buy_order': False, ...}
pages = int(resp.headers["X-Pages"])
async for page in range(2, pages + 1):
async with session.get(url.format(region_id=region_id, type_id=type_id) + f"&page={page}") as resp:
print(resp.status) # 200
print(await resp.json()) # {[{'duration': 90, 'is_buy_order': False, ...}
region_id = 10000002
type_id = [1403, 12005, 626]
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.run_until_complete(request(region_id, type_id))
One word: simplicity.
You don't need to read ESI documentations for hours, or know anything about aiohttp or asyncio, or anything about OAuth2. All you need is to log in your account, and you are ready to enjoy this simple and fast API wrapper.
The source code is currently hosted on GitHub at:
Installation available via pip
pip install esi-requests
- One-line
enabled: no need to master aiohttp and asyncio - Simple
-like api - Simplified
SSO authentication: all you need is to log in your account - Support
headers: compliant with ESI recommendation