This official plugin integrates Imageshop Digital Asset Management system with Craft CMS by exposing their image selector as a popup that saves the selected image data in a field so the selection can be used in twig templates.
To install the plugin, follow these instructions.
- Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:
cd /path/to/project
- Then tell Composer to load the plugin:
composer require webdna/imageshop-dam
- In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for 'Imageshop'.
OR do it via the command line
php craft install/plugin imageshop-dam
On the settings page, fill out the token and private key field to start using the plugin.
You will now have access to the "Imageshop" in the Field type dropdown on the field creation page.
<img src="{{ entry.imageshopField.url }}" alt="{{ entry.imageshopField.filename }}">
{% set image = craft.imager.transformImage(entry.imageshopField.url, { width: 400 }) %}
<img src="{{ image.url }}">
{% set transforms = craft.imager.transformImage(
{ width: 200 },
{ width: 800 },
{ width: 1200 },
{ width: 1920 }
) %}
{% for image in transforms %}
<img src="{{ image.url }}" width="{{ image.width }}" style="width: auto;margin: 20px;">
{% endfor %}
{% set transformedImages = craft.imager.transformImage(image,[
{ width: 1920, jpegQuality: 90, webpQuality: 90 },
{ width: 1200, jpegQuality: 75, webpQuality: 75 },
{ width: 800, jpegQuality: 75, webpQuality: 75 },
{ width: 400, jpegQuality: 65, webpQuality: 65 },
]) %}
<img srcset="{{ craft.imager.srcset(transformedImages) }}">
is the name of the field in these examples.
Code: {{ entry.imageshopField.code }}
Image: {{ entry.imageshopField.image }}
Tags: {{ entry.imageshopField.tags("no") | join(", ") }}
Title: {{ entry.imageshopField.title }}
Rights: {{ entry.imageshopField.rights }}
Description: {{ entry.imageshopField.description }}
Credit: {{ entry.imageshopField.credits }}
DocumentId: {{ entry.imageshopField.documentId }}
Raw: {{ entry.imageshopField.json | json_encode(constant("JSON_PRETTY_PRINT")) }}