This application is a boilerplate for complex and large systems, especially those that need to scale with security and code quality.
We sought to achieve 3 pillars: readability, reusability, and refactorability.
In the construction of the UI, the Atomic Design structure was chosen, organizing the global components into atoms, molecules, organisms and templates.
In addition to being constantly updated, this project was configured in the smallest details to serve as a basis for professional projects that require standardized and easy-to-maintain code architecture and design.
- Technologies
- Features
- Prerequisites
- How to install and run the project
- Important Considerations
- Author
🚀 Astro.js
⚛ React
🔥 TypeScript
🚩 Lints: Husky, ESlint, Stylelint, Commitlint, Lint-Staged, Prettier and Typecheck
✅ Vitest
🐙 React Testing Library
Responsive design;
Atomic Design;
100% coverage;
Detection prefers-reduced-motion;
node (latest version lts).
yarn (latest version lts).
git clone
yarn dev
Available in http://localhost:3000
yarn build
yarn preview
Available in http://localhost:3000
yarn test
yarn test:w
Available in http://localhost:6006
yarn lint
yarn next:lint
yarn typecheck
yarn check:format
yarn format
yarn check:update
The husky is configured to not allow commit if there are any lint and typescript errors. The push can only be done if all tests and builds pass.
Due to husky's build check settings, to push with git, the development server must be stopped first or an error will occur in the
git push
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