npm install --save @eventfarm/javascript-sdk
You are going to need to get an access token JWT using the Event Farm OAuth.
import { FrontEndClient } from '@eventfarm/javascript-sdk/dist/FrontEndClient';
import { ClientAccessToken } from '@eventfarm/javascript-sdk/dist/Rest/Client/ClientAccessToken';
const jwtResponseFromOauth: string = 'crazy-jwt-string-from-ef-oauth-login';
const client = new FrontEndClient(
async function listEvents(userId: string): Promise<{}> {
return await client.useCaseFactory.Event().ListEventsForUser(userId);
listEvents('my-user-id').then(apiResponse => console.log(apiResponse));
OAuth is done using the Password Grant. You are going to need a Client Id and Secret that will be provided by Event Farm.
import { BackEndClient } from '@eventfarm/javascript-sdk/dist/BackEndClient';
const client = new BackEndClient(
'client_id', // required string
'client_secret', // required string
'audience', // required string
'loginBaseUrl', // default: '''
'apiBaseUrl', // default: ''
async function listEvents(userId: string): Promise<{}> {
return await client.useCaseFactory.Event().ListEventsForUser(userId);
listEvents('my-user-id').then(apiResponse => console.log(apiResponse));
Responses are following the Json API Spec. Please see the format/spec guide for further details.
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