The repository contains data on sharing economy platforms and especially on those platforms that ceased operations.
Open Online Archive Content Overview
The content of the open online archive complements the research in the printed version of our manuscript. The archive contains four documents: The Research Activities, Further Statistics, a Taxonomy for Sharing Platforms and the set of Raw Data, which was gathered during our observation of the global Sharing Economy landscape.
• The Research Activities provide further insights and explain the different steps, which were outlined in Appendix A of the printed manuscript. This description also includes an overview of the employed sampling process.
• Given the large number of observed platforms, the geographical distribution of all sharing businesses at hand is illustrated by a map within the Further Statistics document. Likewise, the document includes the exact figures of the page view analysis conducted on the basis of Amazon’s Alexa service.
• While delineating between active and terminated platforms, 9 dimensions were employed. These dimensions are derived from a holistic taxonomy for sharing businesses.
• Finally, the Raw Data Set contains all the platforms overserved including further information according to the dimensions of the taxonomy.