Is a timezone lookup API for GPS Coordinates to Timezone based on GeoJSON Polygon and Multipolygon files.
Source files can be obtained at
Performance is significantly improved between release v1 and release v2 due to the underlying data structure. Timezone database is approxiamtely 50mb in size and lookups range between 50 - 200 microseconds. Recent verion uses an RTree as well as a Memory mapped timezone database for reduced latency and increased throughput.
[]Benchmarks still need to be written.
Appreciate all who have contributed with Pull Requests and Issues. We eagerly welcome suggestions and PRs.
Rtree source design by Josh Backer tidwall
Build program
go build -o timezone cmd/main.go
Download datasource and build timezone database ~50mb
./timezone -build
Test query for San Fransisco, United States (Etc/GMT+8)
./timezone -search -lat=37.7749 -lng=-122.4194
Based on custom backing that loads data as memory mapped data.
package main
import (
timezone ""
func main() {
var tzc timezone.Timezonecache
f, err := os.Open("")
if err != nil {
return timezone.Result{}, err
defer f.Close()
if err = tzc.Load(f); err != nil {
return timezone.Result{}, err
defer tzc.Close()
lat := 37.7749
lng := -122.4194
result, _ := tzc.Search(lat, lng)
Based on JSON, MsgPack, Protobuf or Cap'n'Proto encodings with boltDB backend
- Download data from:
- go get
- go build
- timezone -json "jsonfilename" -db=timezone -type=(memory or boltdb)
- go run example.go
package main
import (
timezone ""
var tz timezone.TimezoneInterface
func main() {
tz, err := timezone.LoadTimezones(timezone.Config{
DatabaseType:"boltdb", // memory or boltdb
DatabaseName:"timezone", // Name without suffix
Snappy: true,
Encoding: "msgpack", // json or msgpack
if err != nil {
res, err := tz.Query(timezone.Coord{
Lat: 5.261417, Lon: -3.925778,})
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Query Result: ", res)