This project was generated with Angular CLI version 10.0.1.
- Create a drug model (json database)
- Create CRUD api end point with json-server (
- Consume the API with Angular App and create the UI for create, update and delete operations on the sample model.
- List all drugs on the main dashboard page.
via npm
via npm
To run, hit in the angular CLI:
npm install
ng serve --open
- Navigate to
folder, and runjson-server --watch db.json
1. On Page Load - Fetch the list of drugs
2. Delete the Drug:
Deleting Fentanyl: Step 1 (Select the drug to delete and confirm the same.)
Deleting Fentanyl: Step 2 (Deleted successfully.)
3. Adding a New Drug:
Adding a New Drug: Step - 1 (Enter the drug details)
Adding a New Drug: Step - 2 (Confirm the changes entered)
Adding a New Drug: Step - 3 (Saved Successfully)
Data source taken from: