- Why do you
Turn off
the Mindstorms Brick?
Lego Mindstorms is an educational line of products to learn Robotics. In the Third generation of the product, exist a Lego Mindstorms EV3 educational Set which includes a Rechargeable battery (45501) and a Battery Charger (45517) but the charger, has been designed to be operated by humans.
Why not help your robot to recharge itself?
Lego Mindstorms has a Battery Charger (45517) which allows you to recharge the Rechargeable battery (45501). If you do some changes in the cable of the charger, it is possible to create a custom connector like this one:
The EV3 Rechargeable battery has 2 leds (green and red). Using lego Mindstorms has a Light Sensor (45506) which it could be used to read the green led enabled which indicates that the battery is charging.
Limitations: If you connect the sensor closed to the green led, you loose a Sensor Port.
In the market, exist Smart Plugs which are possible to operate using a REST API. One product used in this project is TP HS 110:
Using this kind of devices, is possible to know if the EV3 Brick are charging or not:
Output when an EV3 Brick is not connected:
Parsing: {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.012227,"voltage":242.435362,"power":0,"total":0.006000,"err_code":0}}}
Power: 0.0W, Total Consumption: 0.006kWh Current: 0.012227A Voltage: 242.435362
Output when an EV3 Brick is connected:
Parsing: {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.038435,"voltage":242.617563,"power":4.639256,"total":0.006000,"err_code":0}}}
Power: 4.639256W, Total Consumption: 0.006kWh Current: 0.038435A Voltage: 242.617563
Once, the robot has a connector to use in an autonomous way, it is necessary to help the robot to locate the docking station. This kind of problem could be sorted in the Local Navigation category.
Local navigation: The ability to determine one's position relative to objects (stationary or moving) in the environment, and not collide with them as one moves.
Lego Mindstorms EV3 has a IR Sensor (45509) which is able to process signals from a IR Beacon (45508):
The LEGO IR Beacon is nice but after a period of time, the Beacon shutdown so, it is necessary to find custom solution which never turn off.
Note: Shane Gingell
from Out of the BOTS
are working in an Arduino solution.
Using a SLAM Solution, it could be possible to know where is the robot with accuracy.
package examples;
import com.intrbiz.iot.hs110.HS110Client;
import com.intrbiz.iot.hs110.model.GetRealtime;
import ev3dev.actuators.lego.motors.Motor;
import ev3dev.sensors.Battery;
import ev3dev.sensors.ev3.EV3IRSensor;
import lejos.hardware.port.SensorPort;
import lejos.robotics.RegulatedMotor;
import lejos.robotics.navigation.DifferentialPilot;
import lejos.utility.Delay;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Properties;
* Created by jabrena on 9/9/17.
public @Slf4j class Demo1 {
private static final int MAX_ITERATIONS = 20;
//Robot Configuration
private static final PilotConfig pilotConf = new PilotConfig();
private static final DifferentialPilot pilot = pilotConf.getPilot();
//EV3 Battery threshold
//private static float EV3BATTERY_WARN_LEVEL = 7.60f;
private static float EV3BATTERY_WARN_LEVEL = 8.00f;
private static float EV3BATTERY_OK_LEVEL = 8.15f;
private static float EV3BATTERY_UNDOCK_LEVEL = 8.25f;
private static float EV3BATTERY_MAX_LEVEL = 8.50f;
private static final String HS110_CONFIG_FILE = "HS110.properties";
private static final String HS110_CONFIG_IP_FIELD = "ip";
private static HS110Client hs110;
//MOTORS Used to Uncharge quickly (simulation real activity)
private static RegulatedMotor extraMotor1 = Motor.B;
private static RegulatedMotor extraMotor2 = Motor.C;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
LOGGER.info("Running a simple FMS to Recharge an EV3 battery");
//To Stop the motor (Example: in case of pkill java for example)
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
LOGGER.info("{}", Battery.getInstance().getVoltage());
extraMotor1 = Motor.B;
extraMotor2 = Motor.C;
final Battery EV3Battery = Battery.getInstance();
final String hs110Location = getHS110Location();
hs110 = new HS110Client(hs110Location);
float ev3Voltage = 0.0f;
boolean charging = false;
int iteration = 0;
while(true) {
ev3Voltage = EV3Battery.getVoltage();
charging = updateCharging();
LOGGER.info("Iteration: {}, EV3 Battery: {}, Charging: {}", iteration, ev3Voltage, charging);
if (ev3Voltage <= EV3BATTERY_WARN_LEVEL) {
LOGGER.info("STATE: Go to Docking Station");
if (charging) {
} else if(
(ev3Voltage > EV3BATTERY_WARN_LEVEL) &&
(ev3Voltage <= EV3BATTERY_OK_LEVEL)) {
LOGGER.info("STATE: Charging process");
if(charging) {
}else {
} else if (
(ev3Voltage > EV3BATTERY_OK_LEVEL) &&
(ev3Voltage <= EV3BATTERY_UNDOCK_LEVEL)) {
LOGGER.info("STATE: Charging Good Level");
if (charging) {
} else {
} else if (
(ev3Voltage <= EV3BATTERY_MAX_LEVEL)) {
LOGGER.info("STATE: Undocking process");
charging = updateCharging();
LOGGER.info("STATE: Uncharging process");
private static boolean updateCharging() throws Exception {
GetRealtime response = hs110.consumption();
return (response.getPower() == 0.0d) ? false : true;
private static String getHS110Location() throws IOException {
final InputStream in = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(HS110_CONFIG_FILE);
final Properties prop = new Properties();
return prop.getProperty(HS110_CONFIG_IP_FIELD);
private static void enableLed(final int i) throws Exception {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
} else {
java -server -jar /home/robot/docking-station-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:42:32 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Running a simple FMS to Recharge an EV3 battery
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:04 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 1, EV3 Battery: 8.142733, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:04 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:05 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 2, EV3 Battery: 8.111266, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:05 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:06 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 3, EV3 Battery: 8.111266, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:06 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:07 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 4, EV3 Battery: 8.111866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:07 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:08 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 5, EV3 Battery: 8.096466, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:08 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:08 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 6, EV3 Battery: 8.1122, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:08 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:09 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 7, EV3 Battery: 8.149333, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:09 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:10 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 8, EV3 Battery: 8.150333, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:10 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:20 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 9, EV3 Battery: 8.223, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:20 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:30 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 10, EV3 Battery: 8.233, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:30 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:41 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 11, EV3 Battery: 8.233, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:41 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:51 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 12, EV3 Battery: 8.243, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:43:51 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:01 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 13, EV3 Battery: 8.243, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:01 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:11 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 14, EV3 Battery: 8.243, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:11 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:22 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 15, EV3 Battery: 8.253, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:22 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Undocking process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:24 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Uncharging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:29 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 16, EV3 Battery: 8.1466, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:29 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:30 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 17, EV3 Battery: 8.131866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:30 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:31 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 18, EV3 Battery: 8.138933, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:31 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:31 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 19, EV3 Battery: 8.1312, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:31 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:32 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 20, EV3 Battery: 8.121866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:32 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:33 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 21, EV3 Battery: 8.115133, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:34 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:34 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 22, EV3 Battery: 8.179333, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:34 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:45 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 23, EV3 Battery: 8.242666, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:45 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:55 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 24, EV3 Battery: 8.252666, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:55 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Undocking process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:44:57 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Uncharging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:02 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 25, EV3 Battery: 8.155, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:02 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:03 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 26, EV3 Battery: 8.130866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:03 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:03 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 27, EV3 Battery: 8.130866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:03 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:04 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 28, EV3 Battery: 8.131533, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:04 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:05 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 29, EV3 Battery: 8.130866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:05 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:05 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 30, EV3 Battery: 8.130533, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:05 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:06 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 31, EV3 Battery: 8.1168, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:06 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:06 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 32, EV3 Battery: 8.129866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:07 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:07 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 33, EV3 Battery: 8.067533, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:07 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:08 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 34, EV3 Battery: 8.178333, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:08 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:08 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 35, EV3 Battery: 8.179, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:08 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:19 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 36, EV3 Battery: 8.243, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:19 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:29 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 37, EV3 Battery: 8.243, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:29 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:39 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 38, EV3 Battery: 8.253, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:39 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Undocking process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:41 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Uncharging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:46 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 39, EV3 Battery: 8.154666, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:46 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:47 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 40, EV3 Battery: 8.1312, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:47 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:47 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 41, EV3 Battery: 8.139533, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:47 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:48 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 42, EV3 Battery: 8.139866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:48 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:48 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 43, EV3 Battery: 8.130866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:48 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:49 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 44, EV3 Battery: 8.131533, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:49 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:50 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 45, EV3 Battery: 8.121866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:50 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:50 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 46, EV3 Battery: 8.122466, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:50 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:51 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 47, EV3 Battery: 8.1478, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:51 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:52 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 48, EV3 Battery: 8.062733, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:45:52 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:02 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 49, EV3 Battery: 8.243, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:03 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:13 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 50, EV3 Battery: 8.253, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:13 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Undocking process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:20 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 51, EV3 Battery: 8.155, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:20 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:20 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 52, EV3 Battery: 8.1238, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:20 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:21 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 53, EV3 Battery: 8.130533, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:21 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:21 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 54, EV3 Battery: 8.122466, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:21 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:22 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 55, EV3 Battery: 8.132133, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:22 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:22 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 56, EV3 Battery: 8.1312, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:22 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:23 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 57, EV3 Battery: 8.1312, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:23 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:23 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 58, EV3 Battery: 8.139866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:23 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:24 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 59, EV3 Battery: 8.1168, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:24 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:24 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 60, EV3 Battery: 8.101, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:24 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:34 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 61, EV3 Battery: 8.242666, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:34 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:44 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 62, EV3 Battery: 8.252666, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:44 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Undocking process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:51 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 63, EV3 Battery: 8.165, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:51 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:52 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 64, EV3 Battery: 8.132133, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:52 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:52 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 65, EV3 Battery: 8.123466, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:52 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:53 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 66, EV3 Battery: 8.1312, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:53 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:53 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 67, EV3 Battery: 8.131533, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:53 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:54 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 68, EV3 Battery: 8.130866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:54 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:54 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 69, EV3 Battery: 8.1312, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:54 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:55 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 70, EV3 Battery: 8.139866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:55 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:55 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 71, EV3 Battery: 8.139866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:55 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:55 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 72, EV3 Battery: 8.130866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:55 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:56 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 73, EV3 Battery: 8.139266, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:56 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:56 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 74, EV3 Battery: 8.122133, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:56 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:57 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 75, EV3 Battery: 8.188333, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:57 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:58 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 76, EV3 Battery: 8.1388, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:46:58 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:08 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 77, EV3 Battery: 8.253, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:08 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Undocking process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:10 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Uncharging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:16 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 78, EV3 Battery: 8.1566, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:16 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:16 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 79, EV3 Battery: 8.123466, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:16 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:16 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 80, EV3 Battery: 8.1312, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:16 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:17 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 81, EV3 Battery: 8.130866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:17 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:17 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 82, EV3 Battery: 8.131533, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:17 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:18 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 83, EV3 Battery: 8.130866, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:18 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:18 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 84, EV3 Battery: 8.1158, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:18 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:19 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 85, EV3 Battery: 8.122466, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:19 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:19 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 86, EV3 Battery: 8.129533, Charging: false
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:19 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging process
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:20 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 87, EV3 Battery: 8.171933, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:20 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:30 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - Iteration: 88, EV3 Battery: 8.243, Charging: true
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:30 [main] INFO examples.Demo1 - STATE: Charging Good Level
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:33 [Thread-1] INFO examples.Demo1 - 8.253
ev3dev#33|2017-09-09 17:47:33 [Thread-1] INFO examples.Demo1 - Catakroker!!!
- Improve the FSM Design
- Add Custom IR Beacon in the installation.
- Build a better physical docking station, increasing the available angles to connect
- Add SLAM solution to know where is the robot
- http://www.plastibots.com/index.php/2010/11/13/pulito-featuring-dflex/
- https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~nd/surprise_97/journal/vol4/jmd/
- http://philohome.com/pf/LEGO_Power_Functions_RC_v120.pdf
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch4NUazpjJ8
- https://github.com/googlecartographer/cartographer_ros
- https://github.com/gloomyandy/surveyor
- https://lejosnews.wordpress.com/2017/07/15/slam/