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Easy Captcha :)

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A new simple and easy-to-implement captcha package.

Installation with Composer

    "require": {
        "eusonlito/captcha": "1.0.*"


Default Captcha Only one font Large Captcha Short Captcha With Background Custom Letters With Noise Only Noise Points Only Noise Lines



<?php use Eusonlito\Captcha\Captcha; ?>

<div class="form-group">
    <img src="<?= Captcha::source($LETTERS_COUNT, $WIDTH, $HEIGHT); ?>" class="img-responsive" />
    <input type="text" name="<?= Captcha::sessionName(); ?>" value="" class="form-control" />

    ... or ...

    <?= Captcha::img($LETTERS_COUNT, $WIDTH, $HEIGHT); ?>
    <input type="text" name="<?= Captcha::sessionName(); ?>" value="" class="form-control" />

    ... or ...

    <?= Captcha::img($LETTERS_COUNT, $WIDTH, $HEIGHT, array('class' => 'img-responsive')); ?>
    <input type="text" name="<?= Captcha::sessionName(); ?>" value="" class="form-control" />

    ... or ...

    <?= Captcha::img($LETTERS_COUNT, $WIDTH, $HEIGHT); ?>
    <?= Captcha::input(array('class' => 'form-control')); ?>

    ... or ...

    <?= Captcha::img(array($LETTERS_MIN, $LETTERS_MAX), $WIDTH, $HEIGHT); ?>
    <?= Captcha::input(array('class' => 'form-control')); ?>

If you are using an environment without sessions, you must add Captcha::sessionStart() before any html output (Controller).


use Eusonlito\Captcha\Captcha;

function validate()
    if (!Captcha::check()) {
        throw new Exception('Captcha text is not correct');

That's all!

Laravel Usage

# config/app.php

return [

    'aliases' => [

        'Captcha' => 'Eusonlito\Captcha\Captcha',


Now you will have a Captcha class available on your controllers and views.

Print Options

use Eusonlito\Captcha\Captcha;

# Simple usage with fixed word length
Captcha::source($LETTERS_COUNT, $WIDTH, $HEIGHT); # Print base64 source image code

# Define min and max word length
Captcha::source(array($LETTERS_MIN, $LETTERS_MAX), $WIDTH, $HEIGHT); # Print base64 source image code

# Same using img tag
Captcha::img($LETTERS_COUNT, $WIDTH, $HEIGHT); # Print img tag
Captcha::img(array($LETTERS_MIN, $LETTERS_MAX), $WIDTH, $HEIGHT); # Print img tag

# Img tag with parameters
Captcha::img($LETTERS_COUNT, $WIDTH, $HEIGHT, array('class' => 'img-responsive')); # Print img tag with class attribute

# Simple input tag print
Captcha::input(); # Print input tag

# Input tag with parameters
Captcha::input(array('class' => 'form-control')); # Print input tag with class attribute

Custom Setup

All custom settings will be defined before img, source or check methods calls.

use Eusonlito\Captcha\Captcha;

# Define a unique font to use (only .ttf)
Captcha::setFont(__DIR__.'/../fonts/couture-bold.ttf'); # string or array

# Add fonts to repository (only .ttf)

# Set custom rgb background. Default is 255, 255, 255
Captcha::setBackground([120, 120, 120]);

# Set custom hex background.

# Set transparent background.

# Set custom rgb font color. Default is 115, 115, 115
Captcha::setColor([50, 50, 50]);

# Set custom hex color.

# Set custom padding to captcha image (approximate). Default is 0.4
Captcha::setPadding(20); // Fixed value in pixels
Captcha::setPadding(0.4); // Percent value

# Set image noise. Default is without noise
Captcha::setNoise($POINTS, $LINES); // Fixed points and lines noise
Captcha::setNoise(array($POINTS_MIN, $POINTS_MAX), array($LINES_MIN, $LINES_MAX)); // Variable points and lines noise
Captcha::setNoise(null, array($LINES_MIN, $LINES_MAX)); // Avoid points noise
Captcha::setNoise(array($POINTS_MIN, $POINTS_MAX), null); // Avoid lines noise

# Set custom available letters. Default are 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRSTUVWXYZ'

# Set custom session name captcha storage (captcha string is stored crypted). Default is 'captcha-string'

# Enable session before use on non session environments
