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Vertica-ML-Python is a Python library that exposes sci-kit like functionality to conduct data science projects on data stored in Vertica, thus taking advantage Vertica’s speed and built-in analytics and machine learning capabilities. It supports the entire data science life cycle, uses a ‘pipeline’ mechanism to sequentialize data transformation…


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Scalable as Vertica, Flexible as Python

The documentation is available at:
Or directly in the Wiki at:

(c) Copyright [2018] Micro Focus or one of its affiliates. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

⚠ If you want to contribute, send a mail to
⚠ Please look at the example ( to get in touch with the API.


Vertica-ML-Python is a Python library that exposes sci-kit like functionality to conduct data science projects on data stored in Vertica, thus taking advantage Vertica’s speed and built-in analytics and machine learning capabilities. It supports the entire data science life cycle, uses a ‘pipeline’ mechanism to sequentialize data transformation operation (called Virtual Dataframe), and offers multiple graphical rendering possibilities.


Vertica ML Python is the perfect combination between Vertica and Python. It uses Vertica Scalability and Python Flexibility to help any Data Scientist achieving his goals by bringing the logic to the data and not the opposite. With VERTICA ML PYTHON, start your journey with easy Data Exploration.

Find patterns that you don't know and Detect Anomalies.

Prepare your data easily and build a model with Highly Scalable Vertica ML. Evaluate your model and try to create the most efficient and performant one.

Everything will happen in one place and where it should be: your Database. Without modifying anything but using the speed of Vertica to aggregate the data.

Why using this Library?

Nowadays, The 'Big Data' (Tb of data) is one of the main topics in the Data Science World. Data Scientists are now very important for any organisation. Becoming Data-Driven is mandatory to survive. Vertica is the first real analytic columnar Database and is still the fastest in the market. However, SQL is not enough flexible to be very popular for Data Scientists. Python flexibility is priceless and provides to any user a very nice experience. The level of abstraction is so high that it is enough to think about a function to notice that it already exists. Many Data Science APIs were created during the last 15 years and were directly adopted by the Data Science community (examples: pandas and scikit-learn). However, Python is only working in-memory for a single node process. Even if some famous highly distributed programming languages exist to face this challenge, they are still in-memory and most of the time they can not process on all the data. Besides, moving the data can become very expensive. Data Scientists must also find a way to deploy their data preparation and their models. We are far away from easiness and the entire process can become time expensive.

The idea behind VERTICA ML PYTHON is simple: Combining the Scalability of VERTICA with the Flexibility of Python to give to the community what they need Bringing the logic to the data and not the opposite. This version 1.0 is the work of 3 years of new ideas and improvement.

Main Advantages:

  • easy Data Exploration.
  • easy Data Preparation.
  • easy Data Modeling.
  • easy Model Evaluation.
  • easy Model Deployment.
  • most of what pandas.Dataframe can do, vertica_ml_python.vDataframe can do (and sometimes even more)
  • easy ML model creation and evaluation.
  • many scikit functions and algorithms are available (and scalable!).

⚠ Please read the Vertica ML Python Documentation. If you do not have time just read below.

⚠ The previous API is really nothing compare to the new version and many methods and functions totally changed. Consider this API as a totally new one.

If you have any feedback about the library, please contact me:


vertica-ml-python works with at least:

  • Vertica: 9.1 (with previous versions, some functions and algorithms may not be available)
  • Python: 3.6


To install vertica-ml-python, you can use the pip command:

root@ubuntu:~$ pip3 install vertica_ml_python

You can also drag and drop the vertica_ml_python folder in the site-package folder of the Python framework. In the MAC environment, you can find it in:

Another way is to call the library from where it is located.

You can then import each library element using the usual Python syntax.

# to import the vDataframe
from vertica_ml_python import vDataframe
# to import the Logistic Regression
from vertica_ml_python.learn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

Quick Start

Install the library using the pip command:

root@ubuntu:~$ pip3 install vertica_ml_python

Install vertica_python or pyodbc to build a DB cursor:

root@ubuntu:~$ pip3 install vertica_python

Create a vertica cursor

from vertica_ml_python.utilities import vertica_cursor
cur = vertica_cursor("VerticaDSN")

Create the Virtual Dataframe of your relation:

from vertica_ml_python import vDataframe
vdf = vDataframe("my_relation", cursor = cur)

If you don't have data to play, you can easily load well known datasets

from vertica_ml_python.learn.datasets import load_titanic
vdf = load_titanic(cursor = cur)

You can now play with the data...


# Output
               min       25%        50%        75%   
age           0.33      21.0       28.0       39.0   
body           1.0     79.25      160.5      257.5   
fare           0.0    7.8958    14.4542    31.3875   
parch          0.0       0.0        0.0        0.0   
pclass         1.0       1.0        3.0        3.0   
sibsp          0.0       0.0        0.0        1.0   
survived       0.0       0.0        0.0        1.0   
                   max    unique  
age               80.0        96  
body             328.0       118  
fare          512.3292       277  
parch              9.0         8  
pclass             3.0         3  
sibsp              8.0         7  
survived           1.0         2 

You can also print the SQL code generation using the sql_on_off method.


# Output
## Compute the descriptive statistics of all the numerical columns ##

SELECT SUMMARIZE_NUMCOL("age","body","survived","pclass","parch","fare","sibsp") OVER ()
  (SELECT "age" AS "age",
          "body" AS "body",
          "survived" AS "survived",
          "ticket" AS "ticket",
          "home.dest" AS "home.dest",
          "cabin" AS "cabin",
          "sex" AS "sex",
          "pclass" AS "pclass",
          "embarked" AS "embarked",
          "parch" AS "parch",
          "fare" AS "fare",
          "name" AS "name",
          "boat" AS "boat",
          "sibsp" AS "sibsp"
   FROM public.titanic) final_table

With Vertica ML Python, it is now possible to solve a ML problem with four lines of code (two if we don't consider the libraries loading).

from vertica_ml_python.learn.model_selection import cross_validate
from vertica_ml_python.learn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

# Data Preparation
vdf["sex"].label_encode()["boat"].fillna(method = "0ifnull")["name"].str_extract(' ([A-Za-z]+)\.').eval("family_size", expr = "parch + sibsp + 1").drop(columns = ["cabin", "body", "ticket", "home.dest"])["fare"].fill_outliers().fillna().to_db("titanic_clean")

# Model Evaluation
cross_validate(RandomForestClassifier("rf_titanic", cur, max_leaf_nodes = 100, n_estimators = 30), "titanic_clean", ["age", "family_size", "sex", "pclass", "fare", "boat"], "survived", cutoff = 0.35)

# Output
                           auc               prc_auc   
1-fold      0.9877114427860691    0.9530465915039339   
2-fold      0.9965555014605642    0.7676485351425721   
3-fold      0.9927239216549301    0.6419135521132449   
avg             0.992330288634        0.787536226253   
std           0.00362128464093         0.12779562393   
                     accuracy              log_loss   
1-fold      0.971291866028708    0.0502052541223871   
2-fold      0.983253588516746    0.0298167751798457   
3-fold      0.964824120603015    0.0392745694400433   
avg            0.973123191716       0.0397655329141   
std           0.0076344236729      0.00833079837099   
                     precision                recall   
1-fold                    0.96                  0.96   
2-fold      0.9556962025316456                   1.0   
3-fold      0.9647887323943662    0.9383561643835616   
avg             0.960161644975        0.966118721461   
std           0.00371376912311        0.025535200301   
                      f1-score                   mcc   
1-fold      0.9687259282082884    0.9376119402985075   
2-fold      0.9867172675521821    0.9646971010878469   
3-fold      0.9588020287309097    0.9240569687684576   
avg              0.97141507483        0.942122003385   
std            0.0115538960753       0.0168949813163   
                  informedness            markedness   
1-fold      0.9376119402985075    0.9376119402985075   
2-fold      0.9737827715355807    0.9556962025316456   
3-fold      0.9185148945422918    0.9296324823943662   
avg             0.943303202125        0.940980208408   
std            0.0229190954261       0.0109037699717   
1-fold      0.9230769230769231  
2-fold      0.9556962025316456  
3-fold      0.9072847682119205  
avg             0.928685964607  
std            0.0201579224026

Happy Playing ! 😜


Vertica-ML-Python is a Python library that exposes sci-kit like functionality to conduct data science projects on data stored in Vertica, thus taking advantage Vertica’s speed and built-in analytics and machine learning capabilities. It supports the entire data science life cycle, uses a ‘pipeline’ mechanism to sequentialize data transformation…







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