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cloudformations 4.0 spec
Steve Jones edited this page Sep 8, 2017
2 revisions
Architectural Discovery Checklist_ PRD-93 CloudFormations
| Resource | AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup | | Supported Parameters |
- Availability Zones (List of Strings, required strangely, can use Fn:GetAZs)
- Cooldown (String)
- DesiredCapacity (String)
- HealthCheckGracePeriod (String)
- HealthCheckType (String)
- LaunchConfigurationName (String, existing or reference to AWS:AutoscalingGroup::LaunchConfiguration)
- LoadBalancerNames (String, existing or reference to WS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer
- MaxSize (String)
- MinSize (String)
- Tags (String)
- NotificationConfiguration
- BlockDeviceMappings (block device mapping)
- EbsOptimized (boolean)
- IamInstanceProfile (String – can be Ref: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup)
- ImageId (String – references a pre-existing item, required)
- InstanceMonitoring (Boolean)
- InstanceType (String – references a pre-existing item, required)
- KernelId (String)
- KeyName (String)
- RamDiskId (String)
- SecurityGroups (list of strings, can be existing groups or Ref: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup)
- AssociatePublicIpAddress
- SpotPrice
- AdjustmentType (String, required)
- AutoScalingGroupName (String, required, Ref: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroupName, possible ARN of existing group)
- Cooldown (String)
- ScalingAdjustment (String)
- Template URL (String, required URL to S3 bucket path)
- TimeoutInMinutes (String)
- Parameters (Parameters)
- ActionsEnabled (String)
- AlarmActions (List of String)
- AlarmDescription (String)
- ComparisonOperator (String, required)
- Dimensions (List of Dimension)
- EvaluationPeriods (String, required)
- InsufficientDataActions (String, required)
- MetricName (String, required)
- OKActions (List of String)
- Period (String, required)
- Statistic (String, required)
- Threshold (String, required)
- Unit (String)
- EIP (String, existing or Ref: AWS::EC2::EIP, required as no VPC)
- InstanceId (String)
- AllocationId
- NetworkInterfaceId
- PrivateIpAddress
- AvailabilityZone (String, maybe referenced? )
- BlockDeviceMappings (block device mappings)
- IamInstanceProfile (String ref AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile)
- ImageId (String, required)
- InstanceType (String)
- KernelId (String)
- KeyName (String)
- Monitoring (Boolean)
- RamdiskId (String)
- SecurityGroups (list of strings, can be existing groups or Ref: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup)
- Volumes (list of EC2 MountPoints)
- DisableApiTermination
- EbsOptimized
- NetworkInterfaces
- PlacementGroupName
- PrivateIpAddress
- SecurityGroupIds
- SourceDestCheck
- SubnetId
- Tenancy
- GroupDescription (string, required)
- SecurityGroupEgress (list of ec2 security group rule (not sure if Ref: is allowed))
- SecurityGroupIngress (list of ec2 security group rule (not sure if Ref: is allowed))
- Tags (List of tags)
- VpcId
- AvailabilityZone (required)
- Size (Number)
- SnapshotId (String)
- Tags (List of Tags)
- Iops
- VolumeType (value should be "standard")
- Device (String, required)
- InstanceId (String, required, can reference existing instance id or Ref: AWS::EC2::Instance)
- VolumeId (String, required, can reference existing volume id or Ref: AWS::EC2::Volume)
- AvailabilityZones (list of strings)
- HealthCheck (HealthCheck type – inline)
- Instances (List of strings – can be Ref: AWS::EC2::Instance)
- Listeners (list of listeners – inline)
- Policies (list of policies --inline)
- AppCookieStickinessPolicy
- LBCookieStickinessPolicy
- Scheme
- SecurityGroups
- Subnets
- Serial (Integer, increased value → key rotation)
- Status (String, required)
- Username (String, required, can be a AWS::IAM::User reference)
- Supported Parameters
- Path (String)
- Policies (List of AWS::IAM::Policy types, looks like inline only. Can reference this object from an AWS::IAM::Policy Groups section)
- Path (String)
- Groups (List of groups)
- LoginPorfile (Password: String)
- Policies (embedded)
- Contact Info
- email:
- IRC: #eucalyptus-devel (freenode)
- Eucalyptus Links