This is the Github repository of the LANCo commission of e.t.s.v. Thor
This Telegram bot, is made for the TesLAN which is a massive LAN party at the TU/e organized by the LANCo. If you are interested in joining the TesLAN please have a look at our site TesLAN
Just open this link to start chatting with the TesLAN bot Chat with the TesLAN bot
- Inline use
- Normal in "chat" use
- Poster function
- Rss feed parser
- Facebook feed parser
- Faster poster function
- More integration
If you want to use the in-line mode of the bot just type @TesLAN_bot
In any chat and you will be able to chose the available tournaments for more information
Currently the commands the TesLAN bot accepts and knows are the following :
/list - List all the competitions of the TesLAN
/promo - Display the promo text
/date - List all the competitions of the TesLAN
/faq - Display the faq text
/info - Display the info text
/update - Updates the bot
/games - List all the competitions of the TesLAN
/poster -Displays the TesLAN poster
- V0.1 First public release
- V0.11 Update of