Evaluation for Etops Web App Developer with Javascript and AngularJS. This challenge is intendend to be developed in a pair programming session within an hour of time.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/etops/frontend-test-project.git && cd frontend-test-project/
Install the dependencies
cd etopsapp
npm install
cd frontendapp
npm install
bower install
Start the backend server
cd etopsapp
node ./bin/www
Start the frontend server
cd frontendapp
gulp serve
Frontend App should open in browser. Backend runs on http://localhost:3000
REST API for users http://localhost:3000/users
We want to build a simple user management system with a single page application. The goal is to show a list with all users in the system. By clicking on the user we show the detail information of the user. We can add/edit/remove a user.
We want to test
- if you have a basic understanding of AngularJS
- if you have a basic understanding of HTML5 and CSS3
- how you work (mastering working environment)
We do not need to have a complete working solution in the end. The Application has to run only in the newest version of a modern browser.