Gulp Lite primarily helps reduce the number of files within your project by packaging all the common gulp tasks, and exposing only the necessary configuration parameters for customisation.
#####Install via command line:
npm install gulplite --save-dev
#####Configure for your project:
Note: all parameters values are optional and defaults to values specified here
{ "name":"my-project-name", //... "config":{ "gulplite":{ "browserPort": 3000, "UIPort": 3001, "scripts": { "src": "./app/js/**/*.js", "dest": "./build/js/", "test": "./tests/**/*.js" }, "images": { "src": "./app/img/**/*.{jpeg,jpg,png,gif}", "dest": "./build/img/" }, "sass": { "src": "./app/sass/**/*.scss", "dest": "./build/css/" }, "sourceDir": "./app/", "buildDir": "./build/", "testFiles": "./tests/**/*.{js,jsx}", "browserSync": { "defaultFile": "index.html", "assetExtensions": [ "js", "css", "map", "png", "jpe?g", "gif", "svg", "eot", "otf", "ttc", "ttf", "woff2?" ] }, "browserify": { "outputFileName": "main", "defaultFile": "index.js" } } } //... }